iPad on way to me through work, and my phone is also with work. Current phone is Blackberry. Would have to "blag" my way to changing the phone - though I have it a few years so maybe an upgrade due.
Have zero experience with iPad or smartphones. Dont think I'd wrangle an iPhone - or not without shelling out myself. If got a Samsung Galaxy would it work ok with the iPad or would it even need to? Am not pushed about the iPad to be honest (I'm waiting to be fried with a bolt of lighting ).
Think I'd knock more out of the smartphone and the idea of free android apps as opposed to paying the app store appeals to me.
So would it be mad to have an iPad and an android phone?, would it be worthwhile shelling out to get an iPhone to go with the iPad? (bearing in mind I like tech but am not obsessive about it - I wouldnt be pushing the boundaries of either device). & I realise the Samsung galaxy is a huge yoke but at least I might be able to view work attachments & internet - the blackberry browser & attachment viewer is just rank.
I would suggest that you want until you get your IPad from work and see what it can do and how it is configured. If you have full control over the IPad and you are able to access ICloud, then having an IPhone would mean that it is very easy to share your stuff between your devices. If on the other hand your company has the IPad locked down so you can't access the ICloud, then it does not matter what kind of phone you have.
As for apps, there are plenty of free apps in the app store, if you don't want to pay a few bucks for something. It is certainly not a decision point!
Over the past 12 months I've had occasion to setup IPhones, Androids and Windows phones and I've found that the IPhone setup is the easiest and quickest to get up and running.
There are benefits from having iPad and iPhone, but I'm not sure they're really that significant to worry about as 3rd party apps work on both iOS and Android and to be honest are much better than Apple's iCloud services for syncing.
Dropbox is excellent for documents (and everything else) and you can log in from any device or computer. You can't edit documents with dropbox, on save and share, but Windows has it's Live 365 service, which if accessing, sharing and editing documents is important, work should subscribe to (and again will work on any device or PC). Also have Evernote and Google Docs to name a few.
The problem will be the Blackberry as in how old it is as most of the apps won't be developed for older blackberry (I think).
If you're looking to sync with stuff outside of documents, then there are still 3rd party apps to help. Music is one issue that will be iTunes and iCloud specific, but Spotify is a better option anyway (as long as you don't mind streaming and not owning music) and for photos something like Google's Picassa or Yahoo's Flickr have apps and you can save all your pictures and access them from any device.
It depends what type of compatability you want, as 3rd party developers have answers for most of them (including games in some cases). The biggest issue is the Blackberry as I don't think there will be the apps available for it (though the more common ones will probably be and definitely so for the new BB).
Not too concerned about how the Blackberry will interact - I dont think I'll need it to - & as I have no choices re current phone and ipad on way then its a case of Que Sera Sera, whatever will be will be.
It's only whether I'd try to get the blackberry changed and, if so, would having an iPad at that stage influence what smartphone I would try to get.
By the sounds of it having a Samsung and iPad wouldnt be a big deal, I could just use them independently (I have a very ancient iPod which is grand for music so happy enough to batter along with that). Play it by ear with the iPad I supppose for a start, and see from there.
It's only whether I'd try to get the blackberry changed and, if so, would having an iPad at that stage influence what smartphone I would try to get.
By the sounds of it having a Samsung and iPad wouldnt be a big deal, I could just use them independently (I have a very ancient iPod which is grand for music so happy enough to batter along with that). Play it by ear with the iPad I supppose for a start, and see from there.
In fairness iOS tends to get the apps first, so if you're really keen to use things like productivity apps, etc there is that very small benefit if you use iOS devices and a Mac. But that is nowhere near as big a benefit as a couple of years ago and app developers tend to have android versions very quickly after, if not at the same time as iOS.
So long way of saying that except for really heavy power users, it isn't an issue at all now to have different products. As with any phone, get the best you can afford and the one you like the most. There's so little between phones at the top end days that it minute details that separate them and choice should be about which you like using.
I've been a Windows/PC person for years but was then given an iPad as a present. I love it, far more than I expected to.
Six months later I decided to change my crappy old phone and went for a Samsung Galaxy, really happy with it.
Most of my favourite apps are available on both devices so it hasn't been a problem.