Microwave interfering with TV


Registered User
I'm just wondering if anyone has any solution to the likes of the microwave interfering with the TV in the kitchen when both are switched on. It seems at times as if something could blow in the TV when the microwave is going. It also happens on occasion with the tumble dryer which is in the utility room next door and also when the oil cooker in the kitchen in switching on and off. It really only happens with my ordinary RTE aerial, if I'm watching Sky it doesn't interfere. Would a booster of some sort plugged in to the aerial socket prevent the static build up?
Yes that happened to me but, there's no apparent way to stop it. We just moved it as far away from the tv as possible.
It's a combination of static electricity and radiation emmitions, like if you hold a mobile phone near a tv and ring someone you get the same effects.
All i know is that radiation and static cannot penetrate lead.
So if u have any lead lying around place in between the tv and the microwave oven. Like on an old oven you can remove the lead mesh inside the microwave door and use that.

Sky is not effected because the signal is enclosed in a cable all the way to the tv from outside the house. But RTE is in the air.
If there is interference on the TV cable then using a booster will not help as it will just boost the interference with the rest of the signal. The proximity issue that Sn@kebite mentions could be relevant - e.g. perhaps the microwave or other appliances are too near the TV cable or something like that? If the interference is somehow coming through the mains then you could try using a filtered socket strip at the TV to see if that helps. I could be talking rubbish here though.
Well maybe it's me but i would think the interference is unlikely to come from the mains.
Maybe you're right but normally interference is through the air.
You know all concidering the fact that it happened to exactly, and wasnt the mains.

All this on top of me and my ironic humour:D
Mains wiring is more than cabable of carrying interference which can interfere with TV reception!
Thanks Leo. I suspected that I wasn't totally wrong. See [broken link removed] for example.
Oh well i wasnt disputing that. I was just looking at the most obvious reasons. Like Daisybell says when she has the oven and the tv on at the same time that's when it happens.

So if there is mains interference it would happen all the time right, unless its the mains of the microwave, but surely the power cable to the micowave wouldn't carry enough current to cause sparkles or even distortion.
Only things like pilons or those power sheds you see around, normally if you can hear a buzzing sound, then you know it's carrying heavy current, and emmiting EMPs they're what i thought would cause distortion, and apparently EMPs cause cancer too.
So if there is mains interference it would happen all the time right, unless its the mains of the microwave, but surely the power cable to the micowave wouldn't carry enough current to cause sparkles or even distortion.

Interference like this requires very little current. It sounds like there may be a fault in the power circuitry of your microwave that is feeding interference back into the mains, or the shielding of the microwave isn't doing its job properly. Might also be an idea to get one of [broken link removed] to ensure the oven is operating safely.

..normally if you can hear a buzzing sound, then you know it's carrying heavy current, and emmiting EMPs they're what i thought would cause distortion, and apparently EMPs cause cancer too.

God I hope not, EMPs are more associated with nuclear explosions. I'm guessing you mean EMI or RFI here.
Might also be an idea to get one of [broken link removed] to ensure the oven is operating safely.
Does it really matter if some microwaves are escaping? I thought that microwaves had a very short range and that you would want to be sitting on the oven for any leakage to affect you?
God I hope not, EMPs are more associated with nuclear explosions. I'm guessing you mean EMI or RFI here.
And there is no causal link between EMFs and cancer.
Yes, i dont know if it's EMPs exactly, but i know that all elictrical appliances give off a tiny amount of EMP. Especialy when they short-circuit or explode.
But there is efinitely a link of brain tumours with a family living under a pylon.
You know those things that carry high voltage and you hear the buzz?
It could be something like radiowaves but intense ones.

And yes EMP are from nuclear bombs but i dont think if one passed you you'd get hurt or damaged. only if you're explosed to a continuous one.
Like living for 40 years under a pylon or beside a sub-station, that would cause an insideous affect on a human.
But there is efinitely a link of brain tumours with a family living under a pylon.
Can you post to some objective data that supports this linkage between (high voltage?) pylons and brain tumours please? Are you sure that you're not confusing correlation with causality? Are you sure that EMPs and overhead electrical cables/pylons go together in the first place?
Like living for 40 years under a pylon or beside a sub-station, that would cause an insideous affect on a human.
Are you absolutely sure about that?
Can you post to some objective data that supports this linkage between (high voltage?) pylons and brain tumours please? Are you sure that you're not confusing correlation with causality? Are you sure that EMPs and overhead electrical cables/pylons go together in the first place?
Are you absolutely sure about that?


if you google it there's tonnes of results, this one basically says that they are thought to cause leukaemia.

If i find more definite ones ill post them.
Here's a slightly more skeptical take on the same report. And note the following comment in the original Telegraph report
Exactly how cancer could be caused by such exposure remains a mystery, however. The strength of the magnetic fields falls away rapidly from overhead power lines - just a few dozen yards from a pylon registers well below the natural magnetic field level of the Earth. Studies of living cells and animals exposed to such weak fields have hitherto failed to reveal any changes normally linked to cancer.
if you google it there's tonnes of results, this one basically says that they are thought to cause leukaemia.
Yes - but I'm only interested in objective/scientific studies whose results have been verified.
Yes - but I'm only interested in objective/scientific studies whose results have been verified.

Well you'll always get skeptics and scientists are only human in the end. So it's really up to an individual person, like The Bible, you can believe it if you want something to believe in. Or you dont.

Logic tells me about the bible, that when something sounds too good to be true it normally is.
So, the logic about pylons (to me anyway) is that they are built by humans and it is in human nature to destroy everything, including ourselves. So can you really trust scientists? That's up to an individual.

Well that's enough philosophy for this evening:)
Well you'll always get skeptics and scientists are only human in the end. So it's really up to an individual person, like The Bible, you can believe it if you want something to believe in. Or you dont.
This is a quite facile argument. An individual's belief in such matters is neither here nor there. What matters are the facts/evidence and whether or not these support any particular hypothesis.
Thanks guys for the replies!!

To clarify matters, there are no pylons nearby and I don't think the area in general is too radioactive!

I have had a couple of glasses of vino but felt compelled to put this matter to rest when I read your replies! I move the microwave to another part of the kitchen and it doesn't interfere with the TV at all. However, I like the TV where it's positioned and the microwave, I was hoping to come up with some solution to keeping the two side by side. My kitchen is approximately 16' x 16'. I have an oil filed cooker in the north aspect of the kitchen and the TV is in the south-east corner. I just unplugged the cooker and plugged it back in and the same interference took place. Granted it's not as bad as with the microwave but I feel both appliances are far enough away from each other that they shouldn't cause interference. I could move the TV to another wall which doesn't have a TV socket but I like where it's placed and I don't want to relocate the microwave either. I just thought that maybe there was something I could plug in to one of my sockets to stop this surge of power.

I think I'll finish this bottle of plonk and all might become a bit brighter !:D!
Just for future reference: My telephone line once interfered withg the TV. When dialing a number it would make the tv picture hazy. And while the phone was being used the tv sparkles were intermittent in intensity, for the duration of the phonecall.
I dont know exactly how this was happening but it did. If anyone knows it would be nice, because i thought phonelines dont carry alot of current through them.