microwave dish outside my house


Registered User
Not sure if this is in the correct forum but here goes anyway. Eircom have erected and are working on a very large pole outside of my house. I have enquired and found out that it is to be a 0.3m 23GHz dish for a wireless connection to the local exchange (cheaper than wired apparently). The pole is directly across the road from my house. I have asked eircom why we were not informed of this and they told me that they don't need to inform me - they have the right to put the pole up there if they want. Is this true? - Can they just do this without any permission from the locals in the are, why don't they need planning?
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
I think they only need permission when the pole/wire/cable etc is attached to your house.

My parents recently signed a permission form for a cable going from their house to across the road to be replaced, they said because it was adjoined to their structure they can't do it without consent.

If its not touching your house or on your property I think they can go ahead with it...