Mick Wallace underpayment of VAT

that would be the one and only Clare Daly.....saw her monching away on the gum on the tv the other night....keeping it real a la the proletariat, so she is!

The strongest Dublin accent around...........yet she's from Kildare!

More local then the locals themselves
Mick Wallace on 3 occasions so far has a) not paid pension deductions (since rectified) b) taken VAT but didn't pay it over to revenue, and did so deliberately and c) doubled directors salaries when the company was running at a loss.

Need to add to this

d) Apparently owed his brother 550K and as he was unable to pay him he transferrred a vineyard in Italy to him in lieu of payment

That's interesting because I presume his brother was not his ownly creditor. Guess that makes the brother a 'preferred' creditor. Wallace has given personal guarantees but this 'unencumbered property slipped the banks net.

e) a minor matter, of parking in the Aer Lingus staff parking

f) not sure yet about the fact that so many family members purchased apartments in one block of his

The whole point of the change of TD's was supposed to be a new broom, a different type of character to what went before. All the above would suggest more of the same.
Also, this was interesting in todays Irish Times. Basically deals with the Court's attitude to tax evasion offences. In March, a used car dealer was jailed for four years after pleading guilty to counts of failing to pay VAT for three years. He had reached a settlement with Revenue and had paid back most of the VAT due, interest and penalties. The judge still jailed him and said that offenders should not think they can buy themselves out of a jail sentence.

[broken link removed]
The strongest Dublin accent around...........yet she's from Kildare!

It would appear that having a strong Dublin accent is a pre-requisite to advancement in the trade union movement. And Clare Daly was a leading trade union official representing Aer Lingus staff.
It would appear that having a strong Dublin accent is a pre-requisite to advancement in the trade union movement. And Clare Daly was a leading trade union official representing Aer Lingus staff.

..all together now in you best inner city dublin accent.... she's looking for justice for 'da prolehtaeeeeriath'

(sorry couldn't help that )
It would appear that having a strong Dublin accent is a pre-requisite to advancement in the trade union movement. And Clare Daly was a leading trade union official representing Aer Lingus staff.

Ohh ..does that mean she has life time/free car parking there ??
ah now I see how he got the aer lingus car parking when he went over to Poland!!!....he'd have stayed in Poland for at least the Croatia game if it was'nt for Vincent Browne telling him to come back asap when he rang him

Any sign of invoices etc to back up this 550k he owed the brother!
she took a job in the wash-up section of Aer Lingus catering, packing sauages into foil breakfast trays for a living

The Wikipedia reference for this line actually refers to last Saturday's (16-Jun-12) Review section of the Irish Independent. There is no link on the article though so maybe if someone still has the review they could check if this is the word-for-word version from the Indo.
According to the above link:

Were there no jobs in accountancy in those days? (Although it doesn't say she actually finished the course?)

Sorry, but WHAT the hell!?!?

So if you do a degree you are somehow required to then take a job in that field?

Plenty of people who do accounting degrees don't ever work, or even attempt to work, in the field.

I should know, as I did accounting and there are plenty of my classmates who had no desire to be accountants by the end of the course.

Seems a bit like snobbery on your part there TBH thedaras, or maybe I'm missing the point of what you were trying to convey..?
Just an insight into someone's thinking..If they choose to pack sausages for a living (their choice)..it would appear all it would have taken was a half hour under supervision on how to pack a sausage.. Im sure there are many who didn't have an accountancy degree who would have appreciated that job , a degree most likely subsidised by the tax payer .
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why are we all having a go at this person??????

Let's see:

He's a politician
He's a builder who's left a string of sub-contractors without pay
He's avoided/evaded/whatever paying >2m in tax
He's in public office and has often mouthed off about how FF wrecked the economy

IMO he's a complete chancer, devoid of the necessary skills for public office (quite a few of them in there though to be fair) but blessed with a trusting face.