Mick Wallace on the John Murray Show


Registered User
Did anyone else catch Mick Wallace on the radio this morning.

He was bemoaning the treatment of poor Ming Flanagan who's been forced to give up the auld weed in response to some interfering busybodies (e.g the Gardai) who selfishly like to see the law enforced.

Towards the end of the interviw, Murray asked him about the obvious buidling noise going on in the background. We're doing up a wine bar here in Wexford explained Mick.

The Dail was sitting today. Is it right that a full-time representative should be allowed moonlight 100 miles away when he should be at work?
Is it right that a full-time representative should be allowed moonlight 100 miles away when he should be at work?

Not going into what I think about this character, in this case, I think it's actually a blessing.

Is it more harmful then Alcohol?
Is it right that a full-time representative should be allowed moonlight 100 miles away when he should be at work?

It's an issue for the electorate for Wexford. I believe that he already told them he wouldn't be holding constituency clinics.

And I doubt all of the other 165 TDs were present for the sitting.
firefly said:
Not going into what I think about this character, in this case, I think it's actually a blessing.

I'd be banned if I said what I thought

Tarfhead said:
It's an issue for the electorate for Wexford. I believe that he already told them he wouldn't be holding constituency clinics.

And I doubt all of the other 165 TDs were present for the sitting.

True on both counts, though he has ( in his new weekly column in one of our local newspapers) said he would "engage with the issues in Wexford that concern him".

The only contact details he has given are his Dail Office address and number, unlike all the others who supply a local and/or mobile number.
It's an issue for the electorate for Wexford. I believe that he already told them he wouldn't be holding constituency clinics.

And I doubt all of the other 165 TDs were present for the sitting.

I don't think it's that simple. The people of Wexford, alone, don't pay his salary.

I admit his presence in the Dail is pretty ineffectual, given the numbers, but if he doesn't hold clinics and he doesn't turn up in hte Dail, what exactly was he elected to do?
Sounds like the good people of Wexford have sinned in haste and will now have to repent in lesiure.
Well if the Dail is not fit for purpose then I guess him not being there won't make one bit of difference. The people of Wexford voted him in, he is their choice, they knew what they were doing and next election will be when he will be judged.

We're all probably better off he's doing something real and keeping his men in employment. Nothing like go getters.

As I think all drugs should be legalised I've no issue with Ming pretending he's giving up weed, sign of a man with a brain when he's agreed publicly that he's giving it up. He can then work behind the scenes on getting it legalisted which no doubt will never happen. And certainly as another poster pointed out alcohol is far more lethal than marijuana as no doubt many of your are aware following the escapades last weekend to celebrate the national day.
The Dail was sitting today. Is it right that a full-time representative should be allowed moonlight 100 miles away when he should be at work?

I agree, but I thought the Dail did not sit in the mornings ?

Perhaps people should check the date. I was referring to Thursday not Tuesday.

From checking however, it's evident he was there on Thursday as well.

So apologies to Mick and all his loyal supporters.