Michelle Mulherin the new Alice Glenn/Mary Whitehouse


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Is Ms. Mulherin the new thought police of our times? My mother, in her seventies rang me the other day about Joe Duffy. She couldn't believe that there was a website promoting 3 somes to youngsters. Later I listened to Joe and it was the funniest radio ever. Now the exact opposite of what Ms. Mulherin wanted, which I presume is censorship, but that is not clear, and all youngsters are talking about is actual three somes.

What is it exactly that Ms. Mulherin wants?
What is it exactly that Ms. Mulherin wants?

I think she was saying that in her opinion the website was giving tips on how to enjoy threesomes (which could have even been interpreted as borderline promotion of threesomes), and that there are many ways that State money could be better spent.

I think the amount of State money involved is 100,000K directly funding the website but >200,000K diectly and indirectly funding the website. She wants State money spent in other ways.
But that website for young people is about much more than threesomes, it covers all aspects of sexuality. Does she want the full website closed down or does she want it censored?
She's FG TD #4 in a 5 seat constituency. This Dáil is her one chance to make a name for herself. And she's doing just that ,
I'm as liberal as the next man (& of course was sadly born a few decades too early by the sounds of things), but I think the website could have been smarter and concentrated its safe sex message on more 'standard fare', basically they allowed themselves to be a soft target.

On the whole safe sex/dont get pregnant issue, I dont know was mentioning threesomes absolutely necessary and I do think it might be tacit encouragement (though that's probably a contradiction in terms).
So this TD is about publicity, is that correct and sex sells, so this is the second time she's made the headlines on that particular matter.
If you were a journalist would the first person you contacted for a quote about sexuality not be the TD who stated that "fornication" is the number one cause of pregnancy - idiot TD makes idiotic quote?

The good work that website has done has now been undone by some twit of a journalist asking another twit of a TD about this. Teenagers are under enough pressure sexually speaking without the one calm, clear website offering them advice about their own lives in a non-judgemental form being pressurised into removing clear advice - it did point out that threesomes aren't all they're cracked up to be and aren't suitable for all people.
If you were a journalist would the first person you contacted for a quote about sexuality not be the TD who stated that "fornication" is the number one cause of pregnancy - idiot TD makes idiotic quote?

It certainly reads idiotic once you've misquoted her, but here's what she actually did say:

fornication, I would say, is probably the single most likely cause of unwanted pregnancies in this country.

A statement of the bleeding obvious, if you ask me.
A statement of the bleeding obvious, if you ask me.

I do like the way she clarifies the statement with "I would say", it's as if we are all anxiously awaiting some break through in research to confirm the sex can result in pregnancy.
I do like the way she clarifies the statement with "I would say", it's as if we are all anxiously awaiting some break through in research to confirm the sex can result in pregnancy.

Fornication is, and I'm open to correction here, sex between two people who aren't married. I don't see her point.

I agree with that.
The government squanders vast amounts of money, at least in this case someone might enjoy some
It certainly reads idiotic once you've misquoted her, but here's what she actually did say:

A statement of the bleeding obvious, if you ask me.

Whilst I may have misquoted her, the thrust of what I stated is as idiotic as what she actually stated, which supports my original point that who else would a journalist go to - what would you expect from a pig, but a grunt - on a matter like this.
The bizarre thing is that people spent the 1970s laughing at Mary Whitehouse and admiring Jimmy Savile.

[broken link removed]
Fornication is, and I'm open to correction here, sex between two people who aren't married. I don't see her point.

Her point being that if we'd all have the decency to abstain from sex until we are married (happily or otherwise),society wouldn't be faced with unwanted pregnancy/children.
Broadly; if we'd all just do as the church says we'll be fine. Note do as they say not as they do.
How she gets voted in really baffles me.
Personally I've always disliked Jimmy Savile. Just something about him. But I don't agree with the current witchhunt by the police in the UK to make up for their own incompetence in dealing with Savile and I'm not at all sure that all claims against Savile are genuine as it's very strange to me that one person could do so much harm and be able to cover his tracks so consistently. We had it in the RCC in Ireland but that was where the organisation was able to move people around and help with the cover ups.

In relation to the Spun Out website. I have a sibling who teaches sex education in schools and apparently Spun Out is one of the best websites around. Me too, I'm a bit shocked about threesomes but in the context of a wholesome no holds barred giving of facts and dangers in teenagers lingo then it seems appropriate that all possible sexual liasons are discussed openly and honestly.

In relation to those who would prefer that teenagers weren't given a HSE funded resource with Spunout, do we really want to go back to zero information. I don't recall the 60's or indeed later as an enlightening era, there was a deeply flawed black side to it. And it warped Irish attitudes to sex. Including myself, I cannot to this day discuss such thing with say my mother (a liberal). My foreign friends who also know other Irish think we are all weird on this area of our lives etc.
Fornication is, and I'm open to correction here, sex between two people who aren't married. I don't see her point.

Why do you have to be unmarried to call it fornication? I don't get this?


Ms. Mulherin is wrong that fornication is the main cause of pregnancy in that pregnancy could be prevented by teaching young people of both sexes respect for each other and use of contraception on all occasions and most importantly ease of access to contraception and knowledge.

If you're going to do it, you gotta use it.

It's sad that still some schools won't let kids have the knowlege. At least now some good has come of this and all of us parents and teenagers know of Spunout. 100K a year if it prevents hurt and pain and ignorance and pregnancy has surely got to be worth that.
Why do you have to be unmarried to call it fornication? I don't get this?
That’s the definition of fornication, as far as I know.
Personally I think it's an absurd and outmoded phrase to use in this day and age.