Michel Thomas method - German


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Has anyone actually used the Michel Thomas method of learning foreign languages and what were the results? What level of attainment can one expect after listening to the lessons? Can you, after the Foundation Course, attain a basic tourist level of ability in the language, ,for example, book into hotels, order meals in restaurants, carry out simple transactions in shops, etc.
I have being trying the foundation level of Michel Thomas' Spanish and find it's not sticking at all. Maybe it's just the way I do things but I can't seem to get his way. I think I would prefer a course that gave some foundations, like "I am, you are, he is, she is, we are, you are, they are (whatever verb)" as I think it would make the language clearer for me. I learnt French in school that way and found it pretty easy. Maybe I'll go off and buy a Spanish Junior Certificate book and see if that's any better!

I have studied the Italian series (Foundation, Advanced and Language Builder) and am currently studying the Spanish series. I found the courses to be excellent.

I would say that the courses are not specifically geared towards 'Tourist' language scenarios (at the station, in the restaurant,...). Instead Thomas teaches the structure of the language and teaches you how to construct more complex sentences step by step. That said, I was pleased with how well I managed in conversation in Italy on holidays though I should emphasise that was after completing the avanced and the language builder.

If your time is limited, I would suggest that you study the Foundation level and the Language Builder.

You could check out the reader(/student) reviews of the series on amazon.com. There are some detailed reviews (check the other languages as well as German). Also, you could consider purchasing on the web which can be much cheaper (I purchased from amazon.com and chose the cheapest shipping option - goods arrived approx 2 weeks later.)

In general, the Thomas series is the best all-audio method I have found.

Good luck.
I find that learning to speak a few suitable words is not the problem - it's understanding the reply...
Thanks for all the info. I tried out the free sample Foundation level CD and (amazingly) found I could remember and repeat everything I heard on the CD the following day and have not forgotten it since. So I think I’ll invest.
I am using the spanish course and find it very good, even for someone as lazy as me who is very bad at languages. Unfortunately you have to work at it a bit, but it does stick if you persist. The car is the best place to do it, but only if you're travelling a lot on your own. I travel a lot for work, so it passes the time for me. I try to go over one cd each day, and keep repeating it until I am able to predict whats coming next.
Haven't tried any other languages, still working away at Spanish, but getting there!
Ive done the German one and Ive found it excellent. The one thing Michel Thomas gives (I believe) that many other courses fail to give is the confidence to speak. Ive done so many courses in languages (German, French, Italian, Swedish) and have built up a good knowledge theoretically but cant open my mouth in public. Michel Thomas gets me talking! I highly recommend it.
