Micheal Martin and Fianna Fail Ard Fheis - Brian Lenihan (RIP)


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Not for the first time I heard Michéal talking eloquently about the excellent performance of Brian Lenihan (RIP) as Minister for Finance faced with the consequences of the financial state of the nation after years of political skulduggery etc.

I remember Brian Lenihan denying the true financial state of the nation at the time and even informing us that we were not under the radar of our European masters for any reason.

Have I got it wrong?
The two things are not incompatible. When we were in a weak position, and just how weak was only becoming apparent, it was perfectly reasonable for the Minister of Finance to talk up the situation in public while planning for the very difficult reality.

Surely where Micheal Martin is wrong is in praising the excellent performance of Brian Lenihan and at the same time criticising Fine Gael for having implemented the policies Lenihan put in place.

Lenihan was an excellent minister and saved the country from the same fate as Greece. FG followed where he led.