Michael Buble Concert


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Going to the concert next Friday and the tickets state that the gates open at 6pm. Does anybody know if there are any supporting acts and what time does Michael Buble appear on stage?
michael buble

According to the MCD.ie website. Doors open at 5pm concert starts at 7pm and Michael Buble is on at 8pm
How did the concert go? I heard that there was an issue with the sound?
That the crowd could hear the music but not Micheal?
Last night, MB was on stage from about 8.20 pm. There was a support act, but don't worry if you miss them.

The issue was not with the sound system, but with the acoustics in the stadium. There was an awful lot of echo, he alluded to it briefly. Most people seemed to enjoy the concert nonetheless.
Have to say from where I was sitting with Mrs Sox ( at the back), aside from his voice sounding a bit funny right at the start, from there on, the sound was fine. Still not a huge fan of him but he is a very good showman and was quite funny. Full marks to him as well for making his way down through the audience to the back of the stadium to sing some songs standing on top of the big screen right at the back, although I felt sorry for the bouncers who were escorting him up and down.
We went too on Saturday night. Sound was terrible we were up in the 500's to the west of the stage. Wife was very disappointed as she is big fan.