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Mice: a friend has them in here house.

Old place, say 40 years, exterminatirs called, all seems quiets now.

What can be done? Is a Cat the best answer? Or a SNAKE??!

brian.mobile said:
Mice: a friend has them in here house.

Old place, say 40 years...

Doesn't sound too old. Mousetraps are a good start. Cats need more longterm maintenance.
dodo said:
Cat sounds a good idea

I disagree very strongly! We have a cat, my wife's cat (her mother's idea!). We regularly have to remove half killed rodents, birds and other "creatures" from the utility room she has access to. This is not a pleasant job as feathers go EVERYWHERE! Blood and guts stain walls and smell during the summer. I'm not exagerating here- any cat owner will tell you this. I have caught two LIVE mice in the uitility in the last month. The cat obviously caught them, brought them in and played with them for a while before the said mice made there getaway (probably under the washing machine). I don't hate cats (luckily) but my recent experiences of the past year or so have turned me off cats as domestic pets. When this cat meets it's natural:rolleyes: end there will be no replacement! Mousetraps work great and their cheap too.
Carpenter said:
I have caught two LIVE mice in the uitility in the last month. The cat obviously caught them, brought them in and played with them for a while before the said mice made their getaway (probably under the washing machine).
We had the same problem - our cat brought in a live mouse 'to play with' and when she got bored, she let it slink off into our living room! It took 2 weeks to eventually catch!

Try one of those plug-in devices which emit a high pitched sound to repel the rodents - worked for us and available in hardware stores.
I found the plug-in gadgets to be completely useless.

Cheap mousetraps work for me. I use chocolate in them.

(and I always throw them in the bin, with mouse attached, as I can't bear to re-use them :eek:)
Mice are getting smarter and can often remove food from even the most sensitive traps without springing them. One way around this is to drop some hot grease on the food "holder" of the trap. They love this stuff and have to work to get it off... bringing instant death!
extopia said:
Mice are getting smarter and can often remove food from even the most sensitive traps without springing them. One way around this is to drop some hot grease on the food "holder" of the trap. They love this stuff and have to work to get it off... bringing instant death!

Peanut butter works here too as they come back to lick the trap if they get all the peanut butter the first time without springing the trap.
I bought one of those electronic gadgets (pest-X I believe) and it was quite useless. It just keeps mice off one floor of the house but it doesn't force them to leave the house. I then tried a few mousetraps I got in Woodies and they were useless; not sensitive enough. I then bought a mouse trap in B&Q...superb killing machine!....did the job nicely first time. I just put some cheese into the trap.

If you want to be more humane you can buy some poison pellets. The downside is that the mouse goes off to die somewhere in the house and you might not find the remains for years.
I think the poison is more humane on the person who has to empty the trap, but not the mouse ;) Surely poison leads to a significantly slower death for the rodent.