Meteor problem,need advise?

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can anyone advise me. I had a contract with Meteor for a bill phone which was due for renewal in February. I ran into arrears in February and they cut me off.I wasnt too worried as I was going to cancel my contract then anyway as I cant afford a bill phone any more. Ive been paying off slowly but Im continuing to get monthly bills even though they cut me off and the phone is no longer in use. I only owe about 65e but this will go up to 90e and plus 25e each month meaning Im not getting a chance to pay it off because it keeps going up.
I rang them (another hassle long story) and they said I cant cancel until Ive cleared it in full. They are keeping me in contract against my will.
How can I pay the bill off if they keep adding on each month for a number that no longer exists? What should I do?
Meteor problem

Hey and contact "" and they should be able to help you.
Good luck.
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