Metal Dowel


Registered User
Just received an Ikea order from Edinburgh... And inevitably there's something missing. This time we're short small metal dowels (about 4cm in length) - these are to rest shelves into a shelving unit. Went to a hardware store and was told that they might be difficult to come by - can anyone else advise on where to get them? Thanks!
I think I know the things you're talking about. They shouldn't be hard to get at all. Question - when you say hardware store, do you mean somewhere like Woodies, Atlantic etc.?

If so, go to an old-fashioned local store instead - the staff in the DIY megastores invariably in my experience are either a)clueless teenagers, or b)hungover, and usually both, so that while they probably have the items you need, the staff don't know, don't care, and just want you to leave them alone.

The staff in an 'oul lads' DIY shop will know instantly, and if they don't have them, will recommend somewhere that will. Try Lenehan's on Capel St. if in Dublin city centre.
Thanks Sherman - we've tried a couple of the smaller places, but might try one of the generalist stores like Lenehan's...
I had the same problem and ended up cutting up some threaded rod with a hacksaw. Metal bolts of the correct diameter will work too.
Thanks for that, bankrupt. Just managed to get through to Ikea and they promise to post out the missing dowels first thing in the morning... God bless Ikea...