Metal detector



I've tried shares,as recommended by askaboutmoney.
I've tried property.
I'm not getting rich quick.

Q1.Anyone know where I can buy a metal detector. I'm feeling lucky.
Q2. Will I have to ask the farmer for permission to walk on his land?

Rent a ring finder.

Saw a guy who used to walk the beach in Spain after the days activities, he always got the price of a few pints, an occasional engagement ring and lots of pull tabs. A lot to be said for it.
I presume Billo is being facetious but don't you need a license to use these in Ireland anyway? I remember Aldi were selling them last year (?) and then recalled them on a no quibble money back guarantee when this was pointed out.
Maybe it is now illegal.
Thanks for the replies.
It was just an idea I got. I will have to research it further.
"Q2. Will I have to ask the farmer for permission to walk on his land?"

metal detectors

sort of answers the question.........yawn

[broken link removed]

"Since 1930, under the National Monuments Act, the excavation, export, and the conservation of archaeological objects has been regulated by license. The act also required all archaeological finds to be reported to the national museum. By the 1970's, Ireland had the same problem as Britain, and the law didn't work well due to metal detection and a new trade in looted artifacts found by treasure hunters. However, Ireland has had better results in combating these problems. In 1987, it became illegal to search for archaeological objects with a metal detector and other electronic detecting devices. In addition, it also became an offense to dive on a site or wreck older than 100 years without a license. A ban on certain magazines and newsletters which promote treasure hunting was also instituted. Presently, Ireland has an immensely strong legislative framework that allows museums to call the police and other state agencies and to threaten looters unless they come clean about antiquities they have looted. "

Were you watching that programme the other night about the fella in Britain that found all the old coins on his land and when excavated ended up with so many that it was officially catagorised as a treasure?

good show it was, in the end I think he sold them to one of the museums. (or one of the museums was trying to raise the money to buy them off of him)
I did'nt see the program, but it sounds good.
I was just thinking of getting a metal detector and occasionally roaming around and trying my luck.
But on the other and it might not be worth it ,if I get shot by the land owner.
Rgds Billo


Another thing to consider is who owns the article when you find it, you or the farmer who's land you found it on. I remember seeing a documentary many years ago showing treasure hunters in the UK going at night to search for artifacts.

Something to consider if you still are thinking of going down that route