messiah for dummies / novice national concert hall


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i would like to take friends to messiah a mixed bunch of muscial appreciation individuals
i have heard that the programme is quite long 2.5 hrs and the only uplifting song is the Hallelujah

i dont want to torture people so would it be prudent to suggest if they like they could join at a later interval??

we are late 20s and it wouldnt really be our scene but i am interested in a new experience
I love the Messiah and go every year.

It is the type of thing that the more you hear it the more you love it so mayb get a cd of it first & listen

in saying that I brought my husband one year .......and never again - he really didnt enjoy it.

If people arent into it then they just won't enjoy it.

Oh and although the 'Hallelujah' is great (especially with organ in concert hall) it is definintly not the only high point
Ubend, personally speaking (and am a big fan of classical music) I wouldn't recommend the full Messiah to the non-initiated - it has a couple of really nice parts wedged in between a lot of repetitive and not terribly interesting sections - far better to choose something like the christmas carol singalong (the orchestra will definitely play the best bits of the messiah in this) on the 21st or better still The Glory of Christmas on the 22nd (great selection of christmas classics)

just my 2p worth though