Merlin Motor city


Registered User
Hi all, lookin into changing my car- ive read a few dodgy posts bout merlin auctions, but has anyone bought a car from merlin motor city? saw an 06 golf with 28000m for 12k- seems ok??
ill defo be gettin it checked over by the AA- just dont want to bother with them if theyre gangsters
ps only lookin for info as bought my last car from a big bmw garage,thought I was being sensible rather then buyin from a private seller as it was one of their premium used cars!! which was such rubbish as i had so many probs with it
Had a friend bought from them and the car was ok. He had a few small problems with it, but brought it back and they fixed it no problem.

They usually specialise in ex-fleet cars. Going back to when there was some normality in the car industry - they usually sold cheaper than anyone else but gave way less on the trade in. They would tell you that too.

Do you have trade in or can you buy privately this time as if you can go private you would do better price wise.
hi, have to trade in- thats prob why it seemed like such a good deal,i have to give them a shout later- thanks for your info thou
cheers frank, i had thought about it- but I really need to get rid of my car to help finance the next one - and havent had much luck selling it privately at the mo- mines worth between 8 and ten so ill only have bout 3 or 4 to put towards changin it
cheers frank, i had thought about it- but I really need to get rid of my car to help finance the next one - and havent had much luck selling it privately at the mo- mines worth between 8 and ten so ill only have bout 3 or 4 to put towards changin it
Well I doubt many garages will sell a really popular car for 12k that isn't that difficult to shift and then give you 8-10k for your own, it just isn't worth their while. I'd imagine that they'd offer you around 5k for it, I'm no expert though. Sell your own privately, if you can. It will give you much more choice when you're buying straight cash and you wont be worried about the bad trade in offers. If you're selling a car on carzone, or buying, look at the cheapest Irish reg car on the list - that IS what the car is worth, taking the top price is no benefit to anybody as they're never going to get it
thanks for that aidan , mite have another go at sellin it first - cheers
They are a pain in the backside to sell. Trying to sell my own at the minute with mixed results. Incidentially I know somebody selling VW Golf 2007 and from what I recall he had it up for or let it go for €11K - not sure if he sold it. So there is a grand already onto the Merlin Price of 2006.

Car market at the minute is really hard to predict - values are all over the place.

My dad with 30 years experience of buying and selling cars gave me these recently, take them or leave them:

  • never buy off the auction sites unless you are a professional
  • dealers in the south are still miles away from where they should be in terms of service and value for money, (he thinks most of them are cowboys and the recession is the best thing ever for them), so never let them convince you that they are doing you a favour
  • get a full service history although this can never tell you for certain if a car is good, it is a guide as to whether the owner looked after it
  • look a guy in the eye when you ask him specific questions, if he doesn't look back then walk away
  • a lot of buying a car is about instinct and gut feeling
  • if it sounds too good to be true, it is because it is
  • get a mechanic you either know or who is not from the same area to check out the car before you buy
He has said over the years he has been stung himself but the last 10 years he has stuck to these rules and his experience has been better
for £3.50 text the reg to 83600 and they will tell you the car history , also look for cars owner manual and that will tell you the service history
When I was buying my last car I had a look around those sites on which you give the reg and you get automatic results. When I was on (which I am in no way associated with) they claim to be the only ones who offer a full comprehensive report and that all the automatic checkers are not always correct. I can't remember exactly but if you buy privately you should probably check whether what that site said is true if you're using an automated checker.