Mental Health -entitled to retire at 55/30 year service


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Hi, I'm just wondering how the 30years service is calculated: is it in actual years? or is it on the time worked i.e. if half-time for 20 years and full time for 10 years, does this count as 30 years service, or 20 years service?
All spells of part-time work, parental leave, etc, reduce superannuation entitlements.
A lot of public servants don't realise this. Most don't start in their early 20s any more, and many (particuarly women) take leave of some kind during their career so it is almost unusual nowadays to have the full 40 years service by retirement age.

AVCs of course is one way of "catching up"
Lots starting later than early 20s too. In the future people having 40 years at 65 will be a rarity.
from experience ie 30yrs service for a full pension with garda: the first 20 yrs of service entitle you to half of your pensionable salary and gratuity, the next ten yrs entitle you to the other half of pensionable salary and gratuity all of this has to be served as working full weeks.