Men - what would YOU prefer?


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My other half's 30th birthday is towards the end of this year and I'm thinking about what to get him.
So I need answers from men!

I've seen a decent deal for New Year in New York, he was there once years ago and has mentioned that he'd love to go back some day.
So that's one option, it's not cheap but not as expensive as I thought it might be. I wouldn't inflict a shopping binge on him as I've been a few times and am all shopped out!

Another thought is a day out at Mondello Park, I know he'd enjoy that a lot.

Any other ideas?
I'm not a man but what about a flying lesson. I know somebody who got one for his birthday and he loved it or a balloon trip.
organise a party with his mates ...maybe go away for the night and make it a other half did that and it was great!!!
I also know somebody who did a day at Mondello and enjoyed it too. Quite expensive apparently!
I don't think you could go wrong with new york but there's probably no need to go that expensive with a present. I think most guys are happy with a bit of a session with friends and maybe a seperate night out to dinner with oh and family. If your 30th is upcoming a trip to new york would put serious pressure on him to follow suit though.
Might is ask would this be a mans trip to NY or would he have to spend days walking around the womans sections of Macys or all the other clothes shops ????

I got a voucher for mondello for my wedding present and still have to do it.
My ideal present is a weekend away with the lads - golf beer etc
got my OH a trip to paris to see france v all blacks in stad de france (he is a kiwi) and we got to do some touristy stuff too
My ideal present is a weekend away with the lads - golf beer etc

+ 1, except change the golf for surfing. Give your man a weekend pass to go out with lads. you will earn his respect and the respect of his mates. I also firmly belive if couples can give each other time from the other half, its the secret to long and happy relationship.
Thanks for the replies.

A party with all his mates isn't really a runner, for two reasons.
He's from another part of the country a good four-hour drive away and his friends are dotted all over the place.
Secondly, his birthday is Christmas Day! That's why I'm thinking so far ahead to New Year's Eve.

He won't have pressure to 'follow suit' with an expensive gift for me because I'm older than him, have already done the 30th myself.

We do lots of stuff apart from each other, he likes a bit of poker, the races, the GAA and I have my own hobbies without him.

The Mondello day sounds like a plan for now.
My wife got me a trip to New York for my 30th and it was the best trip we ever'll be well worth it and not only for him but for you too!
Glider flight...would love to do engine noise to ruin the feeling of freedom.