Men on the Moon


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The manned moon landings always fascinate me.
Did you know that 12 men walked on the moon between 1969 and 1972?

Most people would know the names of just 2 of them. All Americans.
They left all kinds of stuff up there including lots of lunar craft, golf balls and a bible.
I also remember the name of the last man to walk on the moon - Eugene 'Gene' Cernan. Sometimes crops up in a table quiz.

He gave the eulogy at Neil Armstrong's funeral.

Also, Michael Collins, the first man to not walk on the moon. He was on the Apollo XI misison with Armstrong and Aldrin, but stayed in the lunar module.
Yes, one of them had a swing with the golf club and he sliced it

What a loser
tis amazing that they were able to go there in 69/72 but can't go there now. Could it be because that they never went, but went to Hollywood or some other film set instead?
tis amazing that they were able to go there in 69/72 but can't go there now. Could it be because that they never went, but went to Hollywood or some other film set instead?

It is amazing. But then as we can see now, since the first moon landing, NASA has always been a whipping boy for Congress. It's amazing they got to the moon, but it's also amazingly expensive and NASA couldn't keep justifying its scientific research on the moon (after all geology, even extra-terrestrial geology isn't that sexy) and its budget. As far as Congress were concerned, the USA had won the race, shamed the Ruskies so no need to keep up the funding.

In short, it could no longer afford to go to the moon.

However, if it seems more likely that:
  • NASA faked every moon landings by filming on a Hollywood set,
  • paid off the thousands of NASA employees and external contractors involved in the missions who have all kept their secret and not one come forward and said it was a fake,
  • even went so far as to plant landers and vehicles on the moon that are still visible today,
  • even went so far as to leave landing sites and tracks from the "missions" and "drives" on the moon that are clearly visible by the current crop of satelites (non-USA) orbiting the moon who's images are freely available to anyone
  • also paid off the Russians who would have paid millions to anyone who could demonstrate it was false and probably still would
  • also paid off Japan who is leading the way with mapping the moon at the moment so that they will fake their photographs to show the landing site, landers, buggies and buggie tracks
  • also paid off the thousands of physics students across the world who every year conduct a simple experiment of firing a laser at the moon and timing its return because on one of the missions they placed a mirror on the moon so that we could accurately measure its distance from earth (which has led to some very interesting science about whether or not the moon is gradually moving away)
  • also paid off the various independent scientists, engineers and technicians around the world who helped in the missions by tracking the modules in orbit and assisting in communications when it was out of range for mission control (one such story can be seen in the film the Dish)
  • said independent people would also have had to somehow fake all the data they collected in order to help NASA in its hoax
I agree, it is amazing. Amazing that people think it is more likely than not that they faked the whole thing despite even contemplating the logistics behind such a hoax.

One President couldn't even break into a hotel room and plant bugs with only a handful of people knowing without someone coming forward and speaking out, the head of the CIA couldn't even cover up an affair. In all cases the minimum people involved knew and yet NASA has managed to keep literally thousands of people quiet across the world and even went so far as to go to the moon to plant evidence before then recreating the moon landing on a Hollywood stage?
tis amazing that they were able to go there in 69/72 but can't go there now. Could it be because that they never went, but went to Hollywood or some other film set instead?

They can go there now. It is just that the space community doesn't see it as the best way of spending moeny now, and it rathers build the space station and send information gathering probes deep into outer space, or landing them on Mars. They are capable of even sending astronauts to Mars now if they really wanted to. But it isn't on the top of the list of priorities.

Personally I would really love to see them build a telescope multiple times bigger than Hubble.
One President couldn't even break into a hotel room and plant bugs with only a handful of people knowing without someone coming forward and speaking out, the head of the CIA couldn't even cover up an affair.

Are you suggesting that Nixon actually planted the bugs in the Watergate building ? I hope not !

Excellent post Latrade, methinks you've had the fake moon landing arguments before.

I would love your insights on Elvis being alive and the Loch Ness monster...
"Some folk will go to great lengths to fool the people," said Elvis Presley when we rang him at his home in Leeds. Elvis, 66, who faked his own death and fled to Britain in 1977 to escape mounting media attention, admitted that he used to be an avid reader of The Sunday Sport. "Me and Adolf used to read it all the time," he said.