Meeting Solr tomorrow re: Mothers Death & Fathers Stroke


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Mother recently died (in Nursing Home) and father had stroke (2 weeks before she died) and is physically impaired but apart from some short term memory impairment he’s doing very well for a 91 year old (e.g. he’s been out for a few hours on 6 of the last 10 days). I’m meeting my father’s solicitor tomorrow. I want to cover as much ground at this meeting with solicitor as possible, hence this post seeking advice.

Last year father appointed myself and brother as enduring powers of attorney in event he is no longer mentally capable. Given his age and stroke we need to talk to the solicitor about what we need to do when this situation arises.

Father always paid bills etc by cash or cheque. So we can pay his bills by getting him to sign cheques at present but what if his ability to write deteriorates?

My mother’s estate (some money in P.O. Certs and a P.O. Deposit Book) reverts to my father. We would like to access this money to pay for her funeral costs without taking my father to the P.O. Another large expense coming up is the payment of the deferred payment under the HSE’s Fair Deal Scheme for Nursing Home Care for my mother (she was in care for just over a year although the scheme applied to her for less than a year).

They had joint VHI membership as part of my father’s former employers group scheme

I have no car but am a named driver on his policy and only ever used it to share driving with him when driving him and mother across country to visit relatives. Now I’ll need to drive him everywhere. However, his insurance policy needs renewal by end of this week and we’ll do that with his credit card – however I’m expecting some hitch on re-insuring his car or else getting screwed on it. Given that he won’t be driving anymore and that only the named drivers will, is there grounds for a reduction in premium?

I’m sure there are a few things I haven’t thought of raising with the solicitor, so I’d be grateful for any comments/suggestions.

I have got the Death Cert for my mother.
If the power of attorney is valid you and your brother are fully authorised to act on his behalf. That includes signing cheques. However you will need to validate the POA with your bank. Position in respect of your mother's estate will need to be established separately. i.e. Did she die intestate or was there a will? Funeral expenses will not be an issue in either case. However, you will need assistance from your solicitor in accessing her funds, unless you or your brother were appointed executor. Again, if funds were signed over to your father the POA should assist in allowing you to access them. car insurance issue could be tricky as you would need to own the car to get insurance in your own name.
I’ve recently been in a similar situation concerning my late aunt and here are some things I did.

Father always paid bills etc by cash or cheque. So we can pay his bills by getting him to sign cheques at present but what if his ability to write deteriorates?

You should contact your father’s bank and tell them you wish to be given temporary power to operate his bank account on his behalf. They will give you an authority to operate an individual account form, which should be signed by your father, and a personal customer identification form, which you will need to sign and have witnessed.

They had joint VHI membership as part of my father’s former employers group scheme
You should write to the VHI informing them of your mother’s death, enclosing a copy of the death certificate and telling them to cancel the policy in so far as it relates to your mother but not to your father. You should say you are sending the letter on your father's behalf. You maybe entitled to a refund of premia concerning your mother from the date of her death to the date you informed them.

I have no car but am a named driver on his policy and only ever used it to share driving with him when driving him and mother across country to visit relatives.

Does your father have a disabled drivers parking permit? You can use the permit if you are the driver and he is the passenger.

Be careful here. IMHO he has to be the main driver to have named driver on his policy. If he is not driving anymore then he is not the main driver. You would then be the main driver.
Check it out.