Meet your Angel and ask about MONEY

Brendan Burgess

[broken link removed]

Go on a beautiful journey with this downloadable audio relaxation to a special place to Meet Your Angel and ask anything you choose about a current money situation in your life.

Perhaps you would like to ask how to increase the flow of money into your life, from sources known and unknown or expected and unexpected.

Maybe you would like to ask your Angel to give you some creative inspiration for ways of generating more money through your work or to fill your business with clients who are buying your products or services.

You can also ask your Money Angel to help you to gently and easily clear away any blocks or limiting beliefs that you may be holding about money.
I'm astonished and very disappointed that Brendan is promoting this website, which, to my mind, could well prey on the 'very' vulnerable among us.

And furthermore, advocating the use of 'mind altering narcotics' might be 'cool' or 'hip' but it is a disgrace- and might I remind readers- illegal without a prescription.

Is this an example of the tabloidism of AAM or is Brendan selling out his principles?

Tut Tut.
I'm astonished and very disappointed that Brendan is promoting this website, which, to my mind, could well prey on the 'very' vulnerable among us.

And furthermore, advocating the use of 'mind altering narcotics' might be 'cool' or 'hip' but it is a disgrace- and might I remind readers- illegal without a prescription.

Is this an example of the tabloidism of AAM or is Brendan selling out his principles?

Tut Tut.

Lol :D
I'm astonished and very disappointed that Brendan is promoting this website, which, to my mind, could well prey on the 'very' vulnerable among us.

And furthermore, advocating the use of 'mind altering narcotics' might be 'cool' or 'hip' but it is a disgrace- and might I remind readers- illegal without a prescription.

Is this an example of the tabloidism of AAM or is Brendan selling out his principles?

Tut Tut.

Hurl all the insults you like at me.

I am really chilled out these days.

Hurl all the insults you like at me.

I am really chilled out these days.


Switching from open promotion of illegal narcotics to subliminal promotion hardly improves matters.

There must be somebody I can report these appalling posts to.
When I saw the thread title I assumed it was about this story - still, though, defrauding people who sell "spiritual items around the idea of angels" must be like shooting fish in a barrel.
Good point Mrs Vimes. Its now clear that JP Mc Manus, John Magnier and Michael O'Leary all keep a string of angels in training.