MED1 is for medical expenses. MED2 is for dental expenses. The forms themselves are available from the Revenue website along with a leaflet about such expense claims which outlines what's allowed.What medical expenses can I claim for on the MED1/MED2 form? Whats the difference between the forms?
It ensures that, based on the information available to Revenue (which should be updated if incorrect), you don't over or under pay tax for the year in question. Sometimes payroll mistakes can be made or your employer or Revenue may not be aware of certain details which, when clarified, can lead to an under or over payment of tax. A P21 will sort this out.What is the benifit of applying for a P21?
If you are in one of the employment classes listed on the Revenue website in relation to flat rated employment in expenses credits.In what instance can you claim flat rate expenses?
Yes - any otherwise unreimbursed qualifying expenses above the relevant threshold can claimed for. If you incurred €1K of qualifying dental expenses and PRSI covered €200 then you could claim tax relief on the remaining €800 less the personal threshold of €125 for example.