medical card waiting


Registered User
Hi all, am waiting on my medical card to come thru, but am renewing my old one?
can i use my older card number at the moment?
If you're renewing your existing card, the same card number will be used, so you can continue to use the card you have at present.
thanks for reply, on the online calculator it looks like i am still entitled to the medical card, but my i got a payrise since my last medical card, what happens if i use the old number and i am refused, will i then owe medical bills??? its just i got my ears tested yesterday and i was told i need two hearing aids, am afraid that if i dont get the medical card i cant afford them? i have mri scans etc booked re this, i explained to the hospital that im renewing my card...just wondering what if im refused???
If your old card is still in date then you can use it. If it has expired call your local medical card office and ask them if you are still eligible for a medical card.