medical card review - over 25 on disability allowance and living with parents

Max Weber

Registered User
Hi folks

Have to fill out a review one of the days for my medical card which i have had ten years at this stage. Anyhow i am on disability allowance and living with the parents, but i am over 25 years old. So do i include my parents income in the review or just my own disability allowance?

I hope i dont lose my medical card as it would be 80 euros a month (drugs payment scheme), nearly a thousand extra a year, which i dont have. The medication i am on (for life) is well in excess of the drugs payment cut off.

Thanks in advance for any replies.
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That still says "applications for 16-25 year olds" as the chapter heading. I am older than 25, nearly 40, so i dont know what happens then.
Is this the first time in 10 years that you have been reviewed?
If not then what did you do the last time?
If in doubt then it's probably best/easiest to contact HSE support for guidance on what you need to do.
Is this the first time in 10 years that you have been reviewed?
If not then what did you do the last time?
If in doubt then it's probably best/easiest to contact HSE support for guidance on what you need to do.

yes this is the first review i have had since i got it. I wasnt living with my parents when i got it first.
Your parents income have nothing to do with your medical card. You are over 25 and you are only assessed on your own income. Just include your DA payment and any other means you have.
Don't worry- if your DA is your only income you are safe and can keep your card.

Thanks very much for this. I was getting worried there for a while. Yes the disability allowance is my only income.

Thanks very much for this. I was getting worried there for a while. Yes the disability allowance is my only income.
My son is over 25 and on DA as well- and he lives with us- his parents. Our income is never included in any medical card review.
You qualify for sure for the card if DA is your only income-even if it is higher than the medical card income limits.
From the HSE webpage:
"If your only household income is a social welfare payment, you qualify for a medical card and should apply."
You can sit back and relax. Your new card will be in the post in a few weeks.