Media gets it wrong


Registered User
So how did the media get it so wrong about the election?
How did they so utterly misread the opinions of the Irish people?
Will the Irish Times now stop preaching to people from a position of indignant moral superiority and start aiming for balanced neutral journalism (as opposed to lazy party political diatribes for the Labour Party)? Will they start investigating and reporting the facts for a change?

I am no fan of Bertie Ahern, as I have said many times on this site, but the I.T.'s partisan coverage of current affairs is so blatant that it removed all value from what they say about him or others.
Purple, the media played to their audiences and regardless of their interference the election was always going to boil down to one thing: do you want change or not? The Indo were ruthless in their demolition of Sinn Fein, and allowed the outgoing Min. for defence to use their pages as a platform for the most scurrilous attacks. The IT I don't get to read so much but from their journo's they exude an all knowing confidence that is misplaced.

The Irish people bottled it. They stayed with what they were told was good for them and didn't want to let in anything from the left of the spectrum. God forbid we'd share any wealth or be told that we need to tighten belts!
The Irish people bottled it.
What a patronising attitude towards the democratic decision of an electorate! People who come out with this sort of comment assume that they are right and everybody (or at least the majority) are wrong.
I was going to compare it to Shels Deportivo, but figured the comparision would be lost on non-sporting folk.

I know, bottled it is too strong a word, it means that there was in depth thought put into it in the first place and not simply voting for what you know. Sorry.
My reading of the sitution is that the people have the same low opinion of journelist/media as they have of the politicians.They have a habit of coming across as righteous hypocrytes
What a patronising attitude towards the democratic decision of an electorate!
about as patronising as the "breakfast roll vote" which incidentally it is suggested swung the vote back to the old reliable FF to protect their own jobs.
So how did the media get it so wrong about the election?
How did they so utterly misread the opinions of the Irish people?

I don't think the media were that wrong. There are a few bad apples who try to push their own agendas but on the whole I think the media reporting reflected the opinions of the Irish people (as measured by the opinion polls).

What was surprising was the final furlong resurgence of FF - a credit to their strategists and activists. It caught a lot of people by surprise, not just the media.
about as patronising as the "breakfast roll vote" which incidentally it is suggested swung the vote back to the old reliable FF to protect their own jobs.
Only heard that on the radio yesterday. It was attributed to David McWilliams but I'm not sure if that's correct?
DMcW used it in the Pope's Children, but it's a really derogatory term, besides, most of the breakfast rollers have no vote, they're Nordies, or else Poles and Turks Almost as unfortunate as me!
Good to see the Immigration Control Platform shafted yet again. Unfortunately they were not rock bottom for 1st preferences in my constituency but not far off.
Good to see the Immigration Control Platform shafted yet again. Unfortunately they were not rock bottom for 1st preferences in my constituency but not far off.
while i would not vote for a person to get in on this Mandate alone, i think that they way refugees (genuine or otherwise) are treated here is awful and breeds racism. We allow foreigners integrate fully and then send them packing costing the state a fortune in solicitors working for both sides.
Working visas based on skills shortages and sponsorship of workers should be in place here as in US, OZ, NZ etc. and is the best way to go in my opinion.
I agree I would not vote for one of these guys having listened to them on radio.
nelly there are working visas, the problem is a lot of folks figure they don't need to apply for them. No matter how good the visa system is people will still try to break in as they know that a. they won't qualify or b. it takes too long or c. it costs too much (or smuggling oneself in is cheaper)or d. there is no irish representation in their nation.

I'm all for immigration, I'm one here now, but Australia gets it's boatloads and control dodging plane passengers, as well as Canada receiving containers of Asians and more than occasional passportless south american. Illegal immigrants cannot be solved by singular measures, or simple answers. But I do agree that there can be more efforts (on both sides) at greater integration.

Ah yes but you don't arrive in these other countries and get free taxi to the embassy and be put up in a hotel or apartment complex for a few YEARS while some civil servant flutes around with your application.
that to be was/is the greatest issue/non-issue in this election this time, the crappy, overpopulated public service (and their unions) who underperform, overrun projects and then hold the country to ransom with the benchmarking gravytrain. enough already - cynical sally needs to go do some work now!
hahaha, so negative and so young!!!!!

Well, it's something that I'm forever surprised one of our docu film makers won't do. Imagine this:

Heck-torr goes to Nigeria - a hilarious insiders look at what happens when a person arrives in an airport from a neighbouring country (Togo) and has no passport and claims asylum. Follow Heck-torr throught he Nigerian asylum system and his insightful comments on the same.

Michael Woods In search of the inner asylum seeker - intrepidly handsome brainbox arrives in Russia from Minsk and has mislaid his passport, begs for asylum and receives top notch post-soviet hospitality at the world famous Lubjanka.

Michael Palin's Around the EU in 80 asylum applications - a comedic take on one mans journey from Africa to the Canaries to Spain and on to the UK and Ireland. Ful of darkly amusing twists and turns, especially the episode on trying to figure out whether 086 or 085 numebrs give better value for money.
Good to see the Immigration Control Platform shafted yet again. Unfortunately they were not rock bottom for 1st preferences in my constituency but not far off.

Absolutely, although I fear their influence may increase in a tougher economic climate.
i think that they way refugees (genuine or otherwise) are treated here is awful and breeds racism.
Note that the party's name is Immigration Control Platform and not Refugee Control Platform. Refugees are a (very small) subset of immigrants. Then again even Labour were floating the idea of work visas for certain EU citizens not too long ago. By the way I did vote for the Immigration Control Platform candidate - he got preference 13 on my ballot paper. There were 13 candidates in total.