Media Drive


Registered User

Ive a TV with a scart connection and need to be able to watch movies on this from a hard drive

Ive looked at Iomega Screenplay pro

and screenplay

..this seems to have scart

Is there any other one you have used I need 1TB capacity

Id look at something like the archos tv plus, wifi a must these days with a media player, then you never have to worry about disk. share your PCs media folder upstairs with the archos, and you never have to worry about the disk under the telly again.

[broken link removed]

the archos is a PVR as well.

before anyone else posts, yes luzerntech are what they are, they sell refurbished kit. Youre taking a chance buying it, if the kit dont work, theyll only refund the kit not the delivery, but the prices are great if you like shiny stuff.