MED2 claim for mother & December deadline


Registered User
HI everyone,

Just checking that you can claim MED2 expenses on behalf of your mother? She's getting a lot of work done in Budapest this month and I want to check who's name to put on the MED2 form to be completed by the dentist over there (i.e. if I'm paying do I put my PPS number on the form?) and also - how do I prove I paid on her behalf or is this never an issue?

Finally - the 21% drop from 41% or 20% must have everyone rushing to get work done before December...but does the work have to be completed or can it simply be started and paid for in full?

Incidentally - I need an implant done myself but due to the number fo visitis required to Budapest and the fact that I am a daily rate contractor so I would lose too much income in the process....can anyone recommend a good practice up North? With the FX rate the way it is it seems like a good option...


Technically the bill just has to be paid. From 2007 onward you can claim relief for medical expenses paid on anyone's behalf. As long as you can prove that you incurred the expense (credit card receipt, bank transfer etc.) there shouldn't be a problem.
