Mechanical Ventilation (MEV ) Issue Evenings / Nights


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Hi , We had a Beam MEV system installed a few months ago - it's works away all day and has a boost function that kicks in automatically once the humidity level reaches a certain point .

It was all working fine till the last week or two when the boost function has started automatically kicking in round round 7-8pm and staying going all night ! . As it's alot noisier when the boost function is activated - this has become a real nuisance the last few nights with kids complaining recently etc etc

Is this a regular issue with these MEV systems ? Is it a Summer issue ? I am planning to call the installer to come back to adjust the settings . Just wondering if others have had similar issues? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks
An adjustment to the settings might help but consider the following;
We have had a centralised mechanical hr system for nearly 20 years now and always turn it off during the warmer months and open the windows for fresh air. Why? because the moisture removal function of the system is nullified because of the lack of a meaningful temperature difference between inside and outside. All that is physically happening is movement of air costing electricity / money.
Thanks Mick , yeah was thinking of turning it off but we were told by the installer of the MEV system to leave it on year round so not sure what to do
Perhaps contact the installer, explain the issue and ask for an explanation and solution.
Would you mind posting back on what the explanation is and how it gets resolved?
So i contacted the installer. He reckoned there might have been a power cut which might have caused it to revert to factory settings - not sure about that theory but anyway what does it matter .....
I reckon with the high humidity outside + having alot of windows open , the humidity sensor was getting confused and constantly setting off the boost to try and reduce the humidity . He sent me a video on how to reset the system

So I just reset the system and simply turned off the boost for now The system is working away fine again.
Maybe I could have simply turned off the system till Autumn but i decided to leave it on . Will prob put boost back on round Sept . When do people who turn off their MHVR systems for the summer turn them back on ? Thanks
I never turn it off to be honest.
End Sept / Early Oct depending (generally when we feel the need to close the windows)