Meat Mincer


Registered User
Where would I get a machine for mincing meat?? I'm looking for a small one for use in the kitchen?? Tried Woodies and but there doesn't seem to be any there. Any advice??
Hi Ballyman,

You might try:

[broken link removed]


Roches (now Debenhams) - I think they used to do them.

If any of the above don't have them they might know where you would get them. I presume you are talking about hand operated rather than electric.
I use my food processor since I don't do it often enough to warrant an other gadget. It works quite well. I assume most food processors do it.
[broken link removed]

(If the link doesn't work due to session time out issues or whatever then go to and type in "meat mincer" - don't worry, nothing saucy will pop up ).
I think you can get a mincing attachment for a kenwood chef. Not sure if that would be of assistance to you.
Hi Ballyman Again,

I saw some to-day in

They had three different types which were:

1. Moulinex electric = €90

2. A silver hand-operated one (which I think is the best option but has a few attachments which will need washing after each use) which cost approx. €36

3. A very light and useless one for €9 (I think).
