measuring area in odd-sized rooms?


Registered User
the house we're building is circular(ish) in design and has slightly expanded during construction. can anyone help with a way to figure out the total area of the room when the walls are curved? we're trying to figure this out for timber flooring and tiling purposes. am a mathematical idiot in this regard apologies.
Draw the largest possible rectangle ( all right angles) that fits into the room and measure this in say feet. The area of this is width x breadth in square feet. Now convert the remaining sections into approximate triangles from the crescent shapes which remain, will give you a series of half rectangles of which the area of each will be 0.5 x width x breadth. Add it up to get an approx square footage.
PS I dont do measurements so maybe an easier way!
or use the equation for a circle:
[3.14] x radius[the distance from centre point to outer wall] x radius[again]
you will have to allow extra for cuts so it never works out to the exact
thanks guys, was hoping there might be some type of amazing laser thingy that you could plop in the middle of the room and it would figure it out for me! looks like i'll have to get the tape measure and chalk out.