"Meanwhile housing" - modular homes on temporary sites

Brendan Burgess

Interesting idea in the UK

Where a city site might take 15 years to develop, Modomo lease it for 15 years and install factory built apartments on it.

When the 15 years is up, they move the houses on to some other location.

its strange that there are only drawings of their developments, but no actual photos......
We need to start viewing housing as having a utility value as well as a capital value.
HAPS, this sort of development and rented public housing is kind of viewed as a waste of money because the State doesn't own the asset. That's nonsense.
We view the purchase of private healthcare by the State for the public in the same way. That's also nonsense.

The State is providing an essential service for its citizens. That's a good thing. Whether it is good value for money in the medium term is the question but the answer should be based on data, not ideology.

It's one of those annoying headlines, isn't it?

If "the State" hadn't ordered enough of those modular houses then the media would criticise them; and when they order more units than they currently have sites for, they get criticised too. I have no idea what the delivery lead time is for these modular homes, but I assume that by the time that they've been delivered, more sites will have been identified.

I know it's a slow news bank holiday weekend, but I really, really, wish that Irish churnalists would grow up a bit and stop trying to sensationalise everything.