Means tested Job seekers Allowance

From the information on Benefit and Privilege Means-testing on

Calculate the net income of the family (gross income less the various deductions, as appropriate). Apply a disregard of €600.00 for a two parent family and €470.00 for a one parent family. An additional disregard of €30.00 applies for all children up to 18 years of age who are not getting a SW or HSE payment in their own right and for all children over 18 years in full time education irrespective of their age (excluding children who are in receipt of a Social Welfare payment in their own right or in employment or self employment).

Claimant (24 years) is living with his parents, father earns €1,200.00 a week, mother non earner, claimant's two brothers are under 18 years of age. Parents Gross income €1200.00, less tax €100.00, VHI €70.00, Union €30.00. Parents net income €1,000.00.
Net Income €1,000.00
Less Parental allowance €600.00
Less disregard for 2 brothers €60.00
Total €340.00 X 34% = €115.60

Means €115.60, rounded €116.00.

38000 euro per year is approx 730 euro per week, so there may be some means assessed against you, but it would appear that you will qualify for a portion of JA.