means test: what is a second home?


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Im applying for disability allowance as im a chronic pain sufferer with no income for years and my husband has just been laid off his job so we have no income.

However, my husband is in one of those situations where a parent died leaving no will and the house left was empty.

My husband spent some money on it and lived in it for a while but can not get it into his name as other siblings are involved, this house is now empty, we live in our own mortgaged house.

We pay the house charges on this house hoping to one day file for ownership, but it is not in our name now.

Would this house be assesed against us in the means test or is anyone in a similar situation?


As it is not legally owned by your husband, it wouldn't count for anything in a means test. Don't even mention it. It is irrelevant.

Thanks for that, they already know about it as we were on social welfare while at that address ten yrs ago and we are still upkeeping the house on solicitors advice due to trying to establish ownership eventually but other siblings are objecting, its a bit of a mess to be honest. Its just the financial situation we are in now i wasnt sure how it would be assessed when it isnt legally ours to sell or do anything with,

Is your husband a part-owner or shared owner at present?

Serious related question: Does ownership of a mobile home count in means tests for social housing?
Hi raineyday, no he isnt part owner its still in his grandfathers name and it will take a long time to get it worked out, as for a mobile home i dont think it could be assessed as it dosent even have to be registered anywhere, but im not sure
Re house, if it's not in his name don't see how it can be assessed, it would only be his share either way.
Means test is done on current assets (if any) not what may become an asset in the future.

If you are awarded your disability allowance and later become the owner or part owner of that house then all you have to do is inform SW of your change of circumstances and they will re-assess your situation

Are you going for adverse possession.

I don't think it matters to social welfare that your husband lived in that particular house 10 years ago. He quite clearly lives in a different home with you now, and he does not own his mother's home. Yet. If ever.
Hi yes trying for adverse possession eventually,

Husband was also self employed up to a yr ago as well when he had to close down not sure how that will impact on it all,

Thanks everyone for your help
