Me bad credit rating, she OK. Want to build.Options?


Registered User
Hi all,

Bit of a sticky one, any advise appreciated...

Been living together for 3 years now, partner bought house originally, but both been paying mortgage.

My credit rating is shot to hell due to a failed business, and associated joint loans with business partners, that were defaulted.....

We now would like to buy a site and build, but no one will touch us with me involved.

My questions is, is there any possible way for me to get my contribution into the equation without the usual BS.....

Obviously, not looking to dodge tax, or anything dodgy, just want to circumvent, if possible, credit checks.

Long shot I know, but maybe someone has been through it???

Any thoughts mucho thankos...!

Agree with bond-007. I can't see another way around it if you have bad credit history.

Am guessing that your salary needs to be taken into account for the mortgage?

Is she taking a top up on her existing mortgage to buy the site?

Is there anyone (family member) who could go guarantor?