McDaid's comments


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Was listening to the Last Word y'day where they played an extract from Highland Radio. Jim McDaid had opened up the Donegal case again by stating that there was a probability that Richie Barron may have been killed as a result of an assault. Frank McBrearty (I know wrong spelling), got onto the show & the debate got really really Jim McDaid had landed himself into another serious controversy...the thing is though - I did not se this on any of the news stories last night...or did anyone come across this on main news
Don't know if it was on the telly news but McDaid was interviewed on the Right Hook yesterday. His argument really has little or no bearing on the investigations of the Morris tribunal (as it's related to Garda corruption and not the specifics of Richie Barron's death), and he stated as such during the interview.

I think however that the timing, and the context in which the point has been made, are misjudged. If McDaid had concerns that he wished to be heard or addressed, surely it would have been more appropriate to wait until the Morris stuff is finished up, and he's naive to think that the comments won't be misinterpreted or won't muddy the waters.
There was a piece in the Irish Times this week where the Gardai were appealing for someone who contacted them re. the Barron death to get in touch with them again. Apparently this caller had new information on the case. Maybe that is where Dr. Jim was coming from. It sounds fishy nonetheless, as the pathologist seemed to indicate that Mr. Barron's injuries were consistent with those of a road accident (could this have been intentional?).
as the pathologist seemed to indicate that Mr. Barron's injuries were consistent with those of a road accident

I think that the point of where McDaid is coming from is that the original pathologist immediately after the death felt that the circumstances were suspicious enough to call in the Gardai - that at that time, the injuries were not consistent with a hit and run. At this stage, Harbison was called in, and the murder investigation started.

What happened from this point is where Morris comes in. And obviously, no excuses for how the Gardai conducted themselves from there.

However, the replacement for Harbison later had a different opinion on how the injuries could be interpreted. This was where the hit and run theory took hold.

Now, looking at this logically. We now have 2 expert witnesses giving two different opinions on the cause of death. This is an issue in itself, and I believe Morris was stepping out of his bounds here by deeming the death to have been caused by a hit and run rather than any other type of murder.

This is the decision for an inquest, and not a tribunal of inquiry.

Finally, to agree with above, though I have to say that it is legitimate for the questions that McDaid has to be asked in public, it is unfortunate that
there are a number of questions surrounding his comments.

a) Coming from someone who could potentially have caused their own hit and run (drunken driving) accidents is the person to bring it up. Hardly likely to add any legitimacy to the comments (though maybe that's the point if he was put up to it by FF/PD leadership).

b) the timing is as it is. One has to question why this person, and why now. We've had some leaks of further information since the 2nd report, and one has to wonder if more leaks are on the way, and if this is an attempt to cover up - it certainly takes the heat of O'Donoghue and McDowell with regards to when exactly they received the original Carty report on the whole thing, and what they did with it.

c) the source of the news is interesting. I think this should be referred to with respect to points a and b above.
Jim can be as controversial as he likes, he's not going to make people forget his drink driving escapade.

I really can't see any valid point for his intervention at this time. Of course he's right, it's possible that it was murder, it's possible it was a hit and run, it's even possible it was both if the hit and run was deliberate.

But why throw yourself into the fray now Jim? If it's out of some kind of concern for the citizens of your constituency where were you when your citizends were being framed for murder while your party was in government?

I dont get McDaid a tall-a-tall (as Miley would have said i.e. at all, at all)

Seems he dropped the ball at the early stages by no interest in his constituents, but now he seems to be trying to score an own goal.

The people of Donegal should not re-elect him, he's a bit of a political lightweight (surprising as he's a medical doc), Minister for Fun and all that, and he's going nowhere fast. It dont appear like he's a constituency man either.

His personal conduct (which I wont go into) leaves much to be desired, though we dont seem to value personal conduct in this country anymore - sure arent we re-electing someone who engaged in illegal and highly morally suspect activities in the Phoneix Park a few years back. Now whatever anyone does in their private lives is their own business provided its not illegal or morally repugnent - and is it too harsh to expect a higher level of conduct from our politicians who, you'd have hoped, would lead by example.