MBNA- Still tring to get money out of me


Registered User
[FONT=&quot]So guess I’ll start at the beginning,

Got an MBNA CC this time last year because my BOI CC had been at its limit for a while and MBNA offered 6 months interest free. so got the CC and did a balance transfer. I never cancelled my BOI car though. so realizing that I had to pay 2 40€ gov levy on the cards I decided to pay off the MBNA and close the account. So rang them and they gave me a final balance including gov levy worked out by the them. Paid this off at the post office the very next morning. before the 31 march so I would avoid paying the gov lev a year later.

I then Got a bill in may for GOVERNMENT TAX 2007/2008 which I had already paid in march statement and an unpaid fine of 15 € and 71c int.

so rang them up and said that I had already paid it and they cancelled the charges and my balance was zero the next day online.

ahh I said finally rid of them - but I couldn’t be more wrong!

got a statement on Friday for CARD PAYMENT PROTECTIO YORK 30€. so Rang MBNA and says that my account is closed, how can I have protection for it! She told me that its a third party company and I should have to cancel it for myself. But I NEVER asked for it and she told me that I had been charged for it last year too the same day I did the balance transfer. I lost the rag then had to apologize to the poor girl on the fone because I never spotted it on last years statement. So I demanded that I be refunded the money from last year too! She then transferred me to YORK card insurers. They said I was entitled to a refund for this year, but not for last year and I should get back to MBNA to get it back because it was miss -sold to me.
I asked why I would need insurance on a card I don’t have anymore - she told me it insures all cards in my wallet - I told her I don’t have a wallet!!! Which I really don’t. Generally I loose my cards 3-4 times a year and I have no fear of ppl accessing my accounts - (I Have trouble getting money out of them at the best of times :D)

Ah ok im nearly there keep reading !:D

So rang MBNA back again and demanded I be repaid the 30€ but the girl said that I asked for it. I asked her to show some form of proof that I did in face ask for it, she could only tell me the date it was taken out. so she said then that she would have to talk to her manager and she would get back to me - that was Friday and still no call.

I no its only 30€ but its the principal of them trying to over charge me by €150 after my account was closed!!!
Should I report this blatant repeated attempt to over charge me to someone? if so Who?[/FONT]
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no totally agree its the principal of the matter, try the national consumer agency, I complained to them about ntl 2 euro charge cause I didn't want to pay by direct debit, they responded within 24 hours
But you presumably still had to pay it because ntl: were not breaking any rules by imposing it?
yeah they are allowed too for new customers (I only joined 2 months ago) I was more disappointed that I was never told (its not the 2 euro a month its the principal) and I wouldn't mind my account is already in credit I'm pretty anal that way my mam reckons i've undiagonosed ocd! Here is the response from NCA
According to your email, you are inquiring about an NTL two euro non-Direct Debit charge.[

The issue of imposing a charge on customers who do not avail of the NTL direct debit payment facility is not illegal. NTL agreed not to charge a fee on existing clients (i.e. who were clients up to 21 November 2006) who do not avail of the direct debit option of paying their bills. However NTL imposed this charge on new clients who signed up for their services after that date. While the NCA would not consider that this is a customer friendly practice it is not illegal.
We met with NTL in December 2006 and again early in 2007 to discuss a number of issues with them including the quality of their customer care. We will be meeting with them again during the year to discuss progress.
For more information please click on the following link:
We trust you find the above information useful and thank you for contacting the NCA in this regard.[/font]
Yours sincerely [/font]

John Dennehy
National Consumer Agency
sorry to be fair here is NTL's response -
Thank you for your email in which you raised concerns with regards NTL’s decision to introduce a 2 Euro charge for non direct debit payments from the 1st of April this year.

The decision to encourage customers to migrate to a direct debit method of payment stems from widespread desire and practice in industry to transition from expensive and inefficient paper based payments to an electronic based process.

This practice is supported by the government in the form of their sponsorship of the National Payments Implementation Program which aims to expedite Ireland's move to a cashless society. Given the various means by which our customers can pay their bills and in a society where 92% of the population has a payment account, the introduction of direct debit would not seem to pose major difficulties for most people. This practice is one that is actively encouraged by industry and government alike and is presented as being a secure and convenient way for consumers to settle their bills.

That said, NTL acknowledges that the introduction of this charge may present financial challenges to the elderly etc. To that end on February 8, 2007 ntl announced its intentions to put into place a scheme whereby pensioners and those with special needs would be excluded from the 2 Euro direct debit charge.

The company has committed to communicate more details relating to this scheme over the coming weeks.
i'm sure they do, my parents don't but they have it years. i pay my bills with online banking so there is no paper! Just going to move to sky next year and I told them that, I've the reminder in my calendar already.
Sorry joeysully if i've taken thread off on a tangent! But NCA were helpful.