MBNA denied claim for PPI for unemployment



Hiya I am a first time poster but have been reading posts quite a while. I have MBNA credit card since 2001. Can't really remember getting the PPI but have it since the start. I was working full time and permanent but lost that job since 2006. Since then I have been in and out of work in various non permanent positsions. I lost my most recent job in June and I rang to cancel the PPI . I didnt even know what PPI covered. I thought it was for purchases made etc but they put me through to claims and it has been ongoing. Today I got a decision and they wont pay because my last job was fixed term contract. Now I am so pi**ed off. Do I have some sort of claim seeing as I shouldn't have been paying the PPI as there has been no permanent jobs in Ireland in a long time and would not have had a chance to claim anyway. Or is it just sour grapes on my behalf for being a stupid thick for paying something for so long that was useless. I owe 7,000 euro if that makes any difference. Thanks in advance for any help

PPI won't pay out when a fixed term contract ends.

Your monthly statements show a monthly PPI charge. If you have been working in various non-permanent positions since 2006 then you have been wasting money paying PPI. You could try asking for a refund of these PPI charges.

7k is hard to pay off, you must be racking up large interest charges every month, try and get some sort of plan going to start paying it off ASAP.
Thanks so much for the reply, I have a debt management form here ready to send in but I had to wait for the claim decision. when you say ask for a refund, do I just ring them and say.can I a refund surely it couldn't be that simple. Would I have to have some sort of evidence such as my old credit card application?
Phone them first to state your case. I am not saying that they will give you any refund, but its worth a try. If your permanent job finished in 2006 then any PPI for loss of employment after that was useless anyway. Do up a list of your employment history because you will have to argue your case.