Key Post MBNA are torturing me with phone calls over cc arrears

It is really simple.

Send a registered letter to MBNA, revoking all permissions to telephone you. If they fail to heed this they are breaking the law.
The Ombudsman should be more proactive on this, particularly given the times we are in.
The Ombudsman should be more proactive on this, particularly given the times we are in.
I agree 100% with you. There should be a binding code of practice on banks/finance houses for dealing with people in arrears. Breaches should be punishable by fines.
Hi Bronte

The Ombudsman cannot be proactive. He can only respond to complaints he receives.

The Financial Regulator probably should be proactive, but it's unlikely that they will do anything about it.

That piece in the Indo is great. The only way to solve the MBNA problem is not to take a card out with them in the first place.

Well Brendan time to use your power and influence! Can you complain based on some of the posters on here. Maybe some of them would be willing to do it via you. Most people are not financially savvy and those that have gotton into a mess are bound to be too stressed to be able to deal clearly with a letter of complaint? That's part of the problem the culture of not complaining, not complaining in writing and not following through with it. Probably also has something to do with the fact that people don't know how they managed to get themselves into this mess in the first place, never mind knowing what they signed.
The piece in the Indo is a news item in the main paper, rather than a piece in the business pages, so it's getting a lot of reaction.

Charlie Weston who wrote the piece has already been on Newstalk, Today FM and Q102 on the subject.

Well Brendan time to use your power and influence! Can you complain based on some of the posters on here.

Unfortunately, all my complaints to the Regulator in the past resulted in absolutely nothing being done - Irish Nationwide lending practices, BCP Quadruple Growth Bond and various other advertising issues. I took it personally, but then it seems that they failed to act on so many other issues as well.

However, if there is a head of steam in the media, then the FR might respond.
Came across this thread. I recently missed 2 payments on my MBNA card as I've had so much on my mind. My mam passed away suddenly in August and my dad was diagnosed with cancer 4 weeks later. I'd just finished maternity leave and had to take unpaid leave to help out at home and financial issues weren't priority. Got a letter from them that they tried to call me. And then 2 days later they started phoning my dad about my card! I'm 30, don't live at home, how they got his mobile number I don't know!

I've had my card with them for about 5 yrs and I've a good record up to this. I phoned the girl back straight away, I was calm, but asked her why she phoned my father and not me? She claimed they must have his number as I might have called them once from his phone, I know I didn't. Anyway as I'm on unpaid leave she agreed to me paying 200euros there, and then 100 in November to clear the arrears. I have to say she was very reasonable and understanding and said they'd waive the late fees for 3 months.

Anyway payment went through on my laser, then Monday I started getting calls again. The girl who rang sounded indian, asked was my dad ok now is the cancer gone? I'm like WTF? Unfortunately it doesn't disappear in a week. Anyway she was telling me I needed to pay 84euro now, and she will take it from Laser as she already has details. I said no, that I already had an agreement with previous girl and I had so far stuck to that and as agreed would make payment in November. She said details of said agreement were on file so not sure why she is calling then. She reluctantly accepted that. Today i got another letter from them looking for payment.

Think I'll be writing a letter of complaint.
My friend lost his job relatively recently and fell foul of these guys. He still lives with his parents and they collectively received 13 phone calls from MBNA over one two day period, most of which were rude and aggressive. One guy raised his voice when asking my friend's father how exactly my friend was spending his €200 jobseekers allowance. Thankfully Mr X had the good sense to tell the guy where to go. I heard some of the Gerry Ryan show this morning and have to admit I was saddened and disgusted in equal measure. If only the credit crunch had wiped them out...

Good work Helen.
Thanks Guys,Especially Brendan.I Really Just gave my side of things & its really only when i read it back i realised just how Badly harassed i was/am being

I was really just so ashamed of being in arrears that i didnt think i mattered.
I thought it was amusing that the MBNA guy quoted in the Indo said we only contact between 9am to 9pm Mon to Sat , not on Sundays or Bank holidays . Good suggestion from Bond-007 above imo for anyone who is being harassed.

Send a registered letter to MBNA, revoking all permissions to telephone you. If they fail to heed this they are breaking the law.
I'm really disgusted at eimsRV's story. I think MBNA should be banned from operating in Ireland. They are inhumane.
Unfortunately, all my complaints to the Regulator in the past resulted in absolutely nothing being done -
I've had a think about this and it's very disheartening. But let's be positive. How can we stop the MBNA tactics. Let's fight fire with fire. Maybe a campaign, but first knowledge.

1. Can a person stop the calls by telling MBNA on the phone to stop calling and texting or does it have to be in writing.
2. Can they get compensation for the harrassment and bullying
3. How are they getting the phone numbers or relations, is it if the person rings them back on someone else's phone
4. How do they get the work phone numbers?
5. If you give your laser card authorisation for a payment one month can they use it the next month without your authority.
6. Can we find out from the ombudsman/regulator how many calls a week are reasonable. Personally more than one a day I would find objectionable.
7. It seems that MBNA are open to negotation on debt, do they waive interest/penalties etc?
8. Which leads to the need for a key post on credit cards which one's to avoid and which are recommended.

There is another problem in that some people have genuinely gotton into trouble but others are just avoiding debt, one has to be careful about that.
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I thought it was amusing that the MBNA guy quoted in the Indo said we only contact between 9am to 9pm Mon to Sat , not on Sundays or Bank holidays .

Personnally I didn't find him one bit amusing (nothing to do with you this) but really who is he kidding they have instructed the outsourced phone callers in what to do. I'd love to have the instructions/contract from his company to the people in India et al. Maybe the Indo could dig that up or ask MBNA. Might make for interesting reading.