MBNA and Rabo Direct Money Transfer Mayhem



I have a Rabo Direct savings/current account, from which I made two separate transactions to my MBNA credit card account. I set up the transfers with MBNA's sort code and account number, but did not enter my credit card number as reference for the 1st transaction. Rabo money transfers i have made usually clear within 48hrs max.
  • 1st transfer made on Friday 18th still has not cleared
  • 2nd transfer made on Monday 21st with MBNA reference still has not cleared
Both transactions were for equal amounts. I have contacted both MBNA and Rabo, and got Rabo to send over fax as proof of transaction. I am currently in New York on work/business, so time difference is a bottleneck in communication, but I did manage to contact MBNA today Wednesday 30th, and was told that this sort of transaction should not be possible.
Very helpful telling me now, in New York instead of back home in Dublin. Can somebody please give me some advise on this, as I have a large amount of money floating around cyber space and my credit card bill is due??

Regards........One peed off customer
Re: MBNA and Rabo Direct Money Transfer Mayhem!!

I don't think that the answer MBNA gave you is correct, next to sending them a check of paying the bill in the post office an electronic money transfer to their account with your cc card number as reference is the only way of paying the bill.

In respect of your 1st transaction, if you have no reference in there it's going to be hard for MBNA to credit it, because how do they know it's yours. You can only hope that once you send them Rabo's proof that they will credit it manualy to your account or they might just send the money back to Rabo.

In respect of your 2nd transaction with reference number, I once did a Rabo to MBNA transaction and it took 5 days to show online but was valued on the 2nd day after the transaction. However I have seen electronic transfers from PTSB for example taking 7 days to show up on my MBNA account.

So I would say call MBNA again (they are open 24 hours) and ask them to look into the 2nd transaction as that should have gone through without a problem.

If you are just worried about your bill being due, you could use www.billpay.ie to pay it fast.

Good Luck and enjoy NY.
Its good to know that this type of transaction has been made before, and is possible. I will contact MBNA asap and try to get this sorted. Unfortunately with the 5hr time difference, it will have to be a wkend call to overtime staff that who might not have access to finance dept info. This was what I was told when I rang at 10pm Irish Time on Wednesday. I have a pain in the backside with this at the moment, and am just looking to get back home in 3wks time. I will of course change credit card provider, and might move my finances from Rabo. The communication has been one way, and would be different if I illegally owed these companies monies.

Kind Regards to DublinTexas