MB1 form and Illness benefit


Registered User
I'm currently on sick leave. My employer is paying my wages (minus illness benefit) but I had to send an MB1 form off at the start to top up with illness benefit from Dept Social Welfare.
I sent in the original form and received benefit but I have extended this leave by 3weeks....should I be sending in a new revised MB1 form. My doctors secretary seemed to think not but I'm not so sure. She said it's okay once she sends off forms but maybe that's just for my employer. This week I got my employers wages minus the illness benefit. Just worried I won't get paid benefit. I did write that I was applying up to Oct 2nd on original form.
The MB1 form is for Maternity Benefit - is this what you've been receiving?

Maternity Benefit is paid for 26 weeks.

If you have been on Illness Benefit (certified by your GP), you may need to contact your GP again so they can complete a medical certificate. You might need to complete a new IB1 form

Edit: Sorry, just seen that you have been in touch with GP's secretary. Check that the GP hasn't closed the claim by sending in a final medical certificate - if they haven't then you should contact Illness Benefit Section to check why no payment was received. Might have been a delay in processing the information from your GP.
Once you have sent in an IB1 form which is the Illness Benefit application form you do not have to send another application but the fact you are still off you will need to send another medical certificate called a ‘Certificate of incapacity for work’ to cover the period from the 2nd Oct. Some GP's can do this online so check with the secretary if they can do that for you, if not they can give a paper medical certificate which you must fill in your personal details and send it to the address that is on the certificate. I am not sure did you mean to write IB1 instead of MB1