Maynooth or Swords


Registered User
Thinking of buying in either Maynooth or Swords for investing purposes, I know both were talked about before on different threads, but head to head which area would people think is the best place from both a letting and appreciation point of view.

Appreciate your thoughts/views.

Maynooth by a mile I would say; better communications (railway, motorway), education facilities, less low quality housing that will create problems for Swords in years to come. Somewhere I recall hearing of a survey (about four or five years ago) that said that Maynooth was the best place to live in Ireland. Can't remember what it was, but it was quoted buy the local opposition when Thornton's waste disposal tried to build a dump in the posh Moyglare area (they were unsuccessful).

Last time I was in Maynooth I was struck by the way that the town has gained all the modern amenities without losing the esential heart of the high street. They have also a very nice new secondary school under construction beside the university.

Swords has its good points, easy to get to, close to the airport, near the coast, but I wouldn't like to live there. If I were to move, I would certainly look seriously at Maynooth though.
Don't undertand the logic of investing now for investment? Rental yields are 2-3%, less than interest rates, capital appreciation has all but stopped. Where is the investment value???

Look to other countries for property investment (e.g. Scotland, Poland, Portugal), or look to other categories (e.g. forestry, platinum, gold, equities).

This whole thing of "investment" really does not make sense... be warned.
Missed the thrust of the original poster's query viz investment. If I were investing, as per bob_tg, I would stay away from either. If I wanted a place to live and had to chose between both, I would on balance pick Maynooth.

Taking this logic forward, if the original poster sees merit in investing in either place, then the best bet is probably the one that would be easier to sell in the future, i.e. the place that most people would like to live. That still get us back to Maynooth if you know what I mean!
Thanks for the advice guys. I though of buying abroad especially Poland, Croatia, Slovakia,Sloveina but then turned closer to home i.e. Ireland, Northern Ireland, England or even as you mentioned bob_tg Scotland. Went to college in Edinburgh and loved it.
I just don't know which way to go. Why i picked Maynooth/Swords is because it sems that all of what is been built at the moment in appartments and l just woundered when couples start having families, they will want to move to a nice town with a back garden and within easy(fairly) access to Dublin.
