Mayeston Court, St. Margarets Road.


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Jsut joined the site today - have read over a few items and searched on mayeston court. it seems some people have some negative things to say about the builder.

i've bought an apartment here which will hopefully not be ready for quite a while. went up last week and seen a few people have moved into the houses already. So has anyone on here bought here? Any advice/knowledge you'd like to share!

i'm a ftb so quite nervous bout the whole new home thing!
Hi Thorn, My friend bought of the plans back in march(he bought in Mayeston Sq Apt's). I think it will great place to live, your inside the M50(just about!), close to town, a new hotel and Dunnes Store's being built near Lanesborough and best of all the prices were very cheap. Hopefully you won't have any messing with the builders, maybe they've got their act together now(finger's crossed). Do you mind me asking if you bought a house or apartment?
i bought an apartment. its a one bed but i'm buying alone and its all i could afford at the minute with the prices of homes at the min!

they look nice tho but i have practically no information on them. all i know is that the new phase is set to launch in sept! apparently the show houses will be ready by then! i was down there at the weekend tho and there seems to be a lot of work left on them so i'd say it would be late sept- early october!
My friend pushed his budget to get a 2 bed, I still think they are very good value. I can't see the apt's being ready in Oct, I woul'nt be suprised if it run's on into the new year(give's everyone more time to save!). Have you been across to Hampton Wood, it's quite nice even though half of it is a building site!
i definately thought they would be lucky to have it ready by October and that was just one block! they have the rook on the first block but the inside is still a shell! They could be possibly be selling off the plans again!

as far as i'm concerned the longer the better! they said a year to me and i bought in april! if it is this time next year i'll be thrilled coz i'm saving like a mad woman!

i'm facing the large green onto the M50 -hope that wont be too noisy!

i went to see the open houses in hampton! i fell in love with the duplex! if mine is the size of that minus the huge bathroom and extra room and the 3 flights of stairs (wouldn't fancy that after a nite out) then i'll be a happy lady!

there are a few people in the houses but i think it will be very much a young professional kind of estate cos they seem to be very focused on the apartments!

its so close to everything tho so i think it was a good buy and ikea will literally be down the road!
When my friend was queing up to buy off the plans he said everyone he spoke to was a FTB's, so hopefully most of the apt will be owner occupied. So, you fell in love with the 3 bed duplex in Hampton Wood too!, they were gorgeous, but yes too many stairs! Don't worry about the noise of the motorway, my apt looks out on to Finglas Road(which is always busy) and after a while you get used to it, with help from the double glazing! Anyway, congrats with your apt, and keep saving!
Glad to hear that its majority ftb. is your friend in the first block (facing hampton) or the inside one (facing m50). i'm in the centre block facing m50. does you friend know how parking is assigned? The guy in the showhouse seemed quite clueless although i was happy to know that all appliances are included- takes a lot of pressure of!

Getting very excited bout it now!
Hi, can anyone tell me where the new Dunnes Stores is going - I tried looking it up on google but no success! Thanks
hope this helps:

ShoppingCentres: The new Charlestown shopping centre in Finglas is be anchored by a 7,000sq m (75,347sq ft) Dunnes Stores outlet, writes Edel Morgan.
Dunnes Stores is to be the anchor tenant at the €75 million Charlestown shopping centre which is part of a residential and commercial complex at St Margarets in Finglas, Dublin 11, which will be built by Bovale Developments.
This is Bovale's most ambitious development to date and the first phase is expected to open in November 2007.
It includes 17,000sq m (182,986sq ft) of retail space and 283 residential units in a 12-storey signature building.
Dunnes Stores is to take a 7,000sq m (75,347sq ft) unit with food hall and homeware departments.
As part of the development, Charlestown Avenue - currently under construction - will be a new multi- lane road that will connect St Margaret's Road to the N2.
Bovale Developments is funding this new road along with a complete upgrade of St Margaret's Road at the Charlestown Centre boundary, which it says will help alleviate traffic congestion in the area.
There will be a mix of one, two and three-bedroom apartments located above the retail areas in five buildings.
Bruce Gilbreth of London-based Bruce Gilbreth architects believes the centre will cater for the growing local population and says, when fully occupied, there will be 10,000 new home owners in and around the development site.
"In our design brief we factored in a need for facilities for people living in the area. We have also included large public spaces and piazzas, where people can meet and converge, in a pleasant living environment that underlines a social fabric that exists 24 hours."
The development will incorporate a vast roof garden which, according to Gilbreth, "is the equivalent size of Fitzwilliam Square and almost as big as Croke Park".
actually just wondering where exactly is this ikea going? im not sure whether its the santry side of ballymun road or up near mayston hall does anyone know? i once heard somthing about a dcu campus thingy going in up there. Should be a real up and coming area, its very close to the city centre my only concern is the traffic when all the building is finished.
We have also included large public spaces and piazzas, where people can meet and converge, in a pleasant living environment that underlines a social fabric that exists 24 hours."
The development will incorporate a vast roof garden which, according to Gilbreth, "is the equivalent size of Fitzwilliam Square and almost as big as Croke Park".[/quote]

Architects are such wafflers arnt they

Architects are such wafflers arnt they[/quote]

you have to love the marketing tho!

as far as i can see from the maps it will be at the top of st. magarets road up where the old flats are! i initially thought it would be in gullivers retail park! i'm not sure of the exact location of the charlestown shopping centre will be! The maps on the internet are tiny!
Thorn said:
i'm not sure of the exact location of the charlestown shopping centre will be! The maps on the internet are tiny!

Given that you've bought in mayeston court, how exactly do you/did you get there?

If you go out the St.Margarets road from the roundabout on the N2, you can't fail to miss this development on the left at the entrance to the business park there, and the Cityside development.
sorry- i have seen the gullivers park! is it around there?

i come in though santry and pass the ballmun flats.

also the whole place is under construction so i dont slow down to see what each development is! Maybe i'll head down outside rush hour!
Thorn said:
sorry- i have seen the gullivers park! is it around there?

i come in though santry and pass the ballmun flats.

also the whole place is under construction so i dont slow down to see what each development is! Maybe i'll head down outside rush hour!

You can get to your place from the Finglas, rather than the Ballymun road. Off the N2 exit towards city centre, at roundabout past garages, go left, past Lidl and Aldi. That's the start of St.Margarets road.

Continue out that road and you'll see everything on the left. At next roundabout by taking 2nd exit, you'll get back to Mayston court.
Thanks a mill! i'll visit it that way this weekend. Have they actually started construction on the shopping centre! I cant beleiev that there will be the demand for the retail sites! Omni added an extra wing to the centre and half the units are left unoccupied!

is traffic going to be mental in the area now?
Hi everyone,

I bought one of the 3 bed townhouse in MAyeston Drive in MArch/April when they launched. I was told at the time it would be ready to move into immediately, then it was pushed to end June and haven't heard anything since. I drove by last week and I see people have moved in to houses beside show houses, and mine is at the back of them and looks very close to completion, so I would say I will be hearing from them after the holidays. Not too worried tho cos gives more time for saving! WAs wondering if I could just drive in and have a nosey around but the big security guard was putting me off!

Of all the houses there the 3 bed with rooms on 3 levels was the only one that tickled my fancy. You lose a little on the size of the kitchen, but the size of the master bedroom on the top floor makes up for...and 2 of the bedrooms are en-suite which is very unusual. And the 'study' could be used as a spare bedroom too.

I liked the ide of having the other 2 rooms on a seprate floor because if i rent them out it means I have the top floor almsot to myself, and the extra set of stairs will be good exercise!
This website may be of interest to those of you who have bought in Mayeston Court

I have no connection.