May lose banking facilities - advice on getting new current account


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Any advice/tips would be much appreciated please: Sole trader in financial difficulty - how best can I ensure continued banking facilities in case I lose current ones shortly:
Background: In difficulty for about 18 months due to recession-related income drop. Unable clear overdrafts on business & personal accounts (should be in CR for 30 days p.a.) and term loan is on temporary token repayment, up for review shortly. Credit card with same bank ditto. Hope they will give more time - long time with same bank/branch and NEVER went outside T & Cs. But some say "they may pull the rug out from under you and close your accounts". So am really worried – how can I continue to operate if I don’t have banking facilities??

Deadline looming: Friend saw newspaper notice that from April 2011 my bank (BoI) will withdraw online banking facilities and discontinue direct debit payments etc on accounts not being operated within their T & Cs. This month I fall into that category as both accounts will have been continually overdrawn for just over 12 months.

For business - Must have online banking - not only for day-to-day convenience but because I sometimes receive fees through Paypal. Must continue to have a cheque book. Business/Personal - Must be able to continue direct debits (car insurance, broadband, waste collection, etc, & VHI – though the latter may be abandoned as unaffordable) as now cannot pay annual amounts up front.

My thinking Would like to open personal current account with another bank so that if I lose part or all of my banking facilities with BoI, I will be able to move direct debits over and attach new a/c to Paypal for receiving payments. I will NOT be seeking an overdraft facility or credit card. I favour approaching ptsb since they also issue the Visa Debit card.


1. Should BoI close my accounts in due course, I assume it would be impossible to open a new business account anywhere, but there would be no operational problem for me (other than messier book-keeping) in conducting everything through the new personal account – all is in my own name only, business simple, turnover modest. Any problems around that?

2. What questions will I be asked when applying for a personal current account? Info online makes it sound simple – provide photo ID and utility bills – but I hear some people with damaged credit records are unable to get new bank accounts.

3. I read somewhere that if you are self-employed some banks, incl. ptsb, insist you open a business account. Will they find it strange that I want to leave my accounts active (though who knows for how long) at BoI but open a new account with them for “some other personal business”. How best should I present my request, so as not to set off unnecessary alarm bells?

4. Do they do a credit check even when overdraft facility or other credit is not being applied for? If they do, and see some late payments and a series of obviously token payments, will this affect my ability to get an account with them? Am not sure if a credit card default is already registered.

Sincerely sorry for long post. Cant think straight on this issue due to associated stress, & want to give my full position. Don’t like to ask accountant as have not been able to pay him for ages! Thanks very much for any tips/guidance.

I applied to Ulster Bank for a personal account (which I also use for business, sole trader, very straight forward, small turnover) because I am annoyed with BoI's new fee structure.
They wanted photo IDs, utility bills, last 3 months bank statements, and (as I'm self-employed) 2 years audited accounts or accountants statement re income. I do my own accounts and returns through ROS so all I could supply was the Revenue Notices of Assessment for income tax which also seem to be acceptable. But they certainly put my finances under the microscope even though I'm not in any financial difficulty (only have few grand secured loan in the CU), own my house, don't have a mortgage.
I'm not sure if they've always been that strict but they (Ulster Bank) certainly are now.
@Chook: Thanks for that. Oh dear. If the other banks are doing the same, things aint looking good for me! Why do they have to be so tough on the little people in trouble... What risk would new bank be running, if no credit facilities required? SOMEhow, then, i have to save at least basic banking facilities with BoI. If overdrafts are cancelled & sums o/drawn converted to term loan, I would in the short-term be able to make only token repayments... Re direct debits... suppose i have to deal with each as best i can. Wonder what chance they would allow me keep online banking on business account since if I cannot receive certain payments through Paypal i will lose even MORE income... Oh, no doubt there is a solution to everything - just when stressed cant easily see it!
Wonder what chance they would allow me keep online banking on business account since if I cannot receive certain payments through Paypal i will lose even MORE income...
Sorry, can't help on the more general queries, but I do wonder if you've perhaps misunderstood something here.

You don't 'need' online banking facilities to use PayPal. It is an advantage to monitor the day to day stuff, but nothing there that 'requires' online banking per se.

You'll still have your PayPal account. You can still have it attached to this/or another bank account (with or without online banking facilities). You can still transfer from your PayPal account to your bank account online. The only real 'negative' is that you can't transfer from your bank A/C to your PayPal account online, which you could still do in a branch.

I can't see any negative impact of losing 'online banking' in terms of your paypal payments. Or am I perhaps missing something here?
Do you have any dormant old bank account that you could get going again. Sounds a lot easier than opening an account.
@ Satanta: Thanks for taking the time that to clarify that for me. Yes my thinking on it was muddled. So even if online banking facility lost, I can transfer from Paypal to my account anyway, of course! I will just have to go into bank & get one of those machine print-outs of statement update to check when incoming funds are credited. I never transfer from bank account to Paypal anyway so no problem there.
@ Bronte: Just realised I DO have a possibility there…. A joint personal account with a parent now deceased. I was added to it in 2002 as I was looking after their affairs in their declining years & making payments on their behalf. We were issued separate chequebooks, each in one name only – I still have the last one. I did not ask for a laser/cheque guarantee card for myself on it as there was no need. Parent died in 2009 and I notified the bank enclosing an interim death cert, but never actually closed the account though only a few euro remain in it. I did get confirmation of receipt of that letter. Last account activity was between Oct-Dec 2009. Didn’t expect to wish to use the account for myself so didn’t ask about procedures to take parent’s name off it. I moved house January 2010. Never thought to inform that bank of my move, as I HAD intended to close the account soon afterwards (but forgot) so if they sent anything out about the account it will have been returned “no longer at this address”.
Any advice on how best to proceed on this would be hugely appreciated. Should I send them the final death cert now along with my new address, implying an assumption that I can continue to use the account? Should I start using it now anyway? In my circs at this moment I could only lodge a small amount against which I would write a few cheques in part payment of amounts due on utility bills. I could wait to ask about activating other facilities until the need arises…. At which point I would be lodging all my fees. Would it be best to sort of slide into using it this way? Strategic guidance would be wonderful. Sorry again for the muddled thinking and sincere thanks for taking the time to reply.
Don't go writing cheques on this account. Lodge 10 Euros and see if you can withdraw it.
Thanks Bronte. I can lodge 10 euros via the bank's swift-lodge box, but as i dont have a card with the account i can only attempt to withdraw it via the teller? Embarassing.... but no matter, if successful. If not, what may occur.... & what do i say?
.i can only attempt to withdraw it via the teller? Embarassing....?

What's embarrassing about that? If it works, lodge some more money and apply for a new bank card. I would be very carefull to lodge a few decent amounts before looking for a card in case it triggers something. Go for the most basic card first.