Max Keiser on Ireland

What a joke. A member of the Russian media, that bastion of democracy, lecturing the Irish population. Don't mind the fact their "facts" are often wrong, e.g.
- Michael Noonan did not nationalise Bank debts ( that was FF)
- Sean Quinn is hardly a "banker"

It is laughable for Moscow to be suggesting that we "rip it up". What a pair of idiots.
Haven't looked at the clip, but I'd generally be very sceptical of opinions on Ireland's situation from abroad.

It all started with US economists offering advice that was way off the mark because of the simple difference between Ireland and the US in terms of recourse and non-recourse mortgages.

Like it or not, Michael Noonan (and Brian Lenihan before him) had infintely better and more relevant information at their disposal and Ireland's interests at heart. People would do well to remember this rather than believing the uninformed and agenda driven thoughts of snake oil salesmen