Matt Coopers Last Word competition questions ...


Registered User
... what's the point of them?

Why don't they just get people to text in if they are interested in winning the prize? The questions are so stupid and easy that they are insulting to the listeners.
I don't think Mat Cooper's are that bad. One a few weeks ago regarding Peaches Geldof being the celeb that walked out on an engagement at Dundrum shopping centre.

I didn't know that. I guess i should have read the Star that morning.
I think the reason is if there is no question it is gambling - which is illegal for tv shows - or somethinhg to that effect anyway.

It's a workaround for that problem
i.e. make it a test of skill as mentioned earlier.
Read the Gaming and Lotteries act 1956.

It needs updating as broadcasters and competition organisers are extracting the urine with what they call a test of skill.
If they want to make it a real competition they can ask a question that at least people need to resort to google to answer or a riddle type question. Particularly annoying if the prize is tickets to see a sold out event, instead of favouring hard core fans with a tough question they give a question that a 4 year old could answer.

Part of their thinking is likely to be market research, guessing trends in listenership from the number of answers, if everyone always knows the answer then it makes it easier to spot the trend.

Some of it could be profit motivated, depending on how the answer is required to be sent in (rarely via email). There's some high profile RTE tv programs that run quizzes that almost certainly result in a profit for someone, since the entries are 1 euro a call. Wouldn't happen at the beeb.
The reason they keep the questions so simple is to maximise the response they get.

In the case of another station thee texts cost 30 cent which if you hare getting 1000's per day ads up.

Also, it costs several thousand to promote your product on a radio station in this manner.

Each entry receives a text back with the contact details of the company offering the prize which is an added incentive for the company to run the competition in the first place. LS.
Also the profit made far outstrips the price of any prize offered.

Most of these competitions cost €1 a go to enter. Do the math and you will see it means €€€ in profits.
texting the matt cooper show is same as an ordinary text, not making any extra profit there ! and most questions are easy, as all tv shows' other radio stations etc !!
go do a cross word if it annoys ya that much :)

imagine what An Post used to make from the postal Quiz's on the "Late Late" ....
texting the matt cooper show is same as an ordinary text, not making any extra profit there ! :)

Is it still a standard rate since they switched to the 531... (SMS short code) number for the show instead of the regular 083.. text number used on other programs on the station? Aren't they 30c per text or something like that?