Matt Cooper & The Last Word - thoughts?


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I have been a regular listener to the show for many years, but is it only me or is the show getting obsessed with 'filling' time, especially with those damned competitions?

There is so much time wasted.

Going to the dogs imho. But I suppose thats the nature of a commercial radio station.
I think its very good actually. Can't listen to the insufferable George Hook (who also has competitions by the way). I usually flick the dial between RTE and Today FM.
I have been a regular listener to the show for many years, but is it only me or is the show getting obsessed with 'filling' time, especially with those damned competitions?

There is so much time wasted.

Going to the dogs imho. But I suppose thats the nature of a commercial radio station.

I've noticed this too. When Matt says "We'll be back after the traffic report" he should really say "We'll be back after the traffic, the ads and the competition" - 5 minutes.
It's the only thing of that type I can listen to (another Hook hater) but I don't think it's particularly great. Yes, a bit fluffy and contains filler.
Can't stand the show, I think he is too interested in starting an arguement with whoever is on it rather then having a reasoned and balanced debate or discussion
Can't stand the show, I think he is too interested in starting an arguement with whoever is on it rather then having a reasoned and balanced debate or discussion

And bringing his mates on to chat about nothing really. Like Anton Savage and cars.
Both Matt Cooper and George Hook have gone very stale (George was never fresh I suppose). They should bring in some new blood. Not a huge fan but I would actuallly prefer to see Ivan Yates in the evening slot on newstalk.
Can't stand the show, I think he is too interested in starting an arguement with whoever is on it rather then having a reasoned and balanced debate or discussion
+1. Used to listen in some years ago but found this very grating after a while, so I no longer tune in. And everytime he mentioned that he would be right back after the 'nooze' at 5 or 6, I cringed.:eek:
I think its very good actually. Can't listen to the insufferable George Hook (who also has competitions by the way). I usually flick the dial between RTE and Today FM.

Like you Llamos, I flick between Today FM and Rte 1. I cannot abide George Hook and I automatically change station when Anton Savage comes on with Matt Cooper. And, when he's presenting The Last Word, I don't listen at all.