Maternity Pay - Company unilaterally changing policy


Lotto Plus

Moderator note: Letting Off Steam issues split from this thread where they were off topic.

-- ClubMan

I am afraid that this same issue happened to my wife 4 years ago. THere was no problem before that but a new boss came in (A female Career woman type, in her 40's married late and never had any intention of having childreen, she thought Maternity leave was a holiday) and made it part of policy.
Before that the male boss beforehand was very women friendly but this new boss start making life miserable for all women of child baring ages and this was the start of it.
Also my wifes union commented that they could do nothing about it. Needless to say she is no longer a member of the union. My wife was not well during the pregnancy so did not fight it but she would not have won anyway.
WE had it tight and coupled with my wifes sickness made it a horrid time.
We will have the last laugh as at least we have children and all my wifes boss will have is a few money grabbing coisins who will be waiting for her to die so they can make some wall green with the money left in her will.
" We will have the last laugh as at least we have children"

Purely a lifestyle choice/your personal opinion Lotto Plus, and as you said if she never had any intention to have children then I imagine she too feels she will have the last laugh. Each to their own.