Mater hospital site


Registered User
Ok, so its been refused planning already. But they're going for it again.
What is the obsession with that site? Why are they so driven for that one location?
I'm no planner but it sure seems to me not to be the most ideal location for a number of reasons that we've all heard/read over the last while.
Its almost like there appears to be some sort of "interest" to have it where the Mater is.
The location has been debunked by people who disagree with it. It has several advantages (co-location, good access to public transport, etc) which the other sites do not have.

I suspect the reason they are looking at possibly applying again there is to save money rather than start the planning process from scratch.
What is the obsession with that site? Why are they so driven for that one location?

I suspect the reason they are looking at possibly applying again there is to save money rather than start the planning process from scratch.
Well they now have been given the old mater site by the nuns havent they so I guess this changes the planning application somewhat.