Maryland, Inchicore - good area ??


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Hi All

I'm looking to buy my first house this year (hopefully) and have found one on Our Lady's Road in Inchicore (Maryland). I'm wondering if anybody has any opinions on the area, whether it's safe, a good area to live and a good investment area ? I'd be hoping to rent out one or two rooms so would this be a good area for sharing/tenants ? My guess was yes because of the hospitals nearby, but I don't know either.

Also, is Maryland in Inchicore or is this just an estate agent putting a different spin on things to make it sound better ? The ad says it's a "highly sought after location" which I have to admit (no offence to anybody living there) isn't a phrase I ever associate with Inchicore.

Anybody have any opinions on this ?
Its in dolphins barn/rialto about 2 miles from inchicore. Not a bad spot but home to some of the countrys most notorious gangsters
I live in Rialto.. I've admittedly never walked down that street but my impression is that it isn't the best part of D8. Definitely not a highly sought after location, which is why the price is so attractive. Try to visit the road at different times of the day and night to get a feel for what its like.
That isn't Inchicore. Don't know why they would say that. As a previous poster said it's either Rialto or Dolphins Barn - not sure which one to be honest!
It's no where near Inchicore, can't believe estate agents are still at that nonsense.
Marylands (aka the holylands) has it's good and bad points, and they will be reflected in the price.
I would imagine it's quite a good location for rental as it's near town and the hospital etc. However, make sure you are not fully dependent on renting rooms to be able to pay your mortgage. Usually with these types of rentals (speaking from experience here) people come and go frequently, so you will have about 2 - 3 months every year when your rooms will be empty. Have a look on DAFT to find out about room rental rates to see how much you can earn from the room rental.
It was always a bit of a rough area with a massive drugs problem during the 80s recession and even in the 1990s I remember junkies wandering through traffic at Dolphins Barn bridge. I seem to remember in the media, there has been news of a few people getting shot there over the years. It is surely rentable at the right price but in my opinion few people would choose to live there long term as a family home if they had a choice. I was waiting 90 minutes for a bus on Cork Street at the weekend on a Saturday a few months ago so ended up walking instead so check out the public transport at off peak times such as weekends etc. It might not be as frequent as you think. Theres quite a lot of feral kids around that area too. You need to check out the area at different times of day and night to get a feeling for it to make up your mind properly. Plus no way is it Inchicore. No way whatsoever.
One plus point is that its very handy for the Luas but not a spot that I would be inclined to walk alone at night time.
I don't think Maryland is handy for the LUAS ?

right beside Fatima stop.........generally a harmless enough spot for people who keep to themselves.....but if i was looking around there i'd be more looking at the tenters than maryland...or move out a bit further - to inchciore itself (prices in bulfin have come down a lot)...or drimnagh

I live in Rialto and my advice to you would be not to buy that house. When your buying it all depends on the road that you are buying on. Where I live is fine with no trouble but I dont think that Maryland would be a good spot for you. Sorry but I would keep looking. Dont believe a word that an Estate Agent tells you. You did right asking about the area. Do that each time and hopefully people will be honest enough to help you out. There are lovely people in all areas but you still have to be careful.

Good luck