Mary Hanafin and the greens


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Greens do not have country's interests at heart. Tourism Minister Mary Hanafin has claimed the Greens' call for a General Election suggested the party did not have the best interests of the country at heart.

So how come they are in government with them?
I think Mary Hanafin should start looking within her own party, and the independants who have pledged "allegiance" with FF for the past 13 years before she throws stones at the Greens.. And I am not a green fan..!
no FF fan but she has a point- the Greens should'nt have come out with this before Dec 7th....they are clearly playing politics with the future of this country. And as for Lowry and Healy-LooLaa
If Mary Hanafin was acting in the national interest she would resign and promis never to stand for public office again.
If Mary Hanafin was acting in the national interest she would resign and promis never to stand for public office again.

+ 1, can't even watch her, let alone listen to her, she just spews out meaningless words.
I don't think people realise how important for the country passing this budget is. The Greens and the rest of the idiots calling for an immediate election have only one priority - themselves and their jobs (no matter how much they try to dress it up as in 'the Public Interest').
They sicken me - party political bull***t at this time is completely self serving.
Brian Cowen did the right thing yesterday in 'the National Interest'. And I'm not a FF fan.
If Mary Hanafin was acting in the national interest she would resign and promis never to stand for public office again.

I agree but now is not the time. A month ago I would have said go and be gone forever...but 2 weeks out from a budget!!! And a 4yr plan tomorrow. All of which must be passed according to Commissioner Rehn before we gte our hands on the bailout fund

We're shooting ourselves in the foot, head etc here. crazy stuff
Its just so difficult to believe anything the present government is saying,they have lost moral authority..
Because they have not been upfront about our situation they have left the country in a " do we believe them or not scenario ..personally, I feel Ive been lied to and do not believe anything they say.
The boy who cried wolf comes to mind.
They say the budget must be passed, but they also said the IMF were not here,now they say their partners in government are not acting in the best interests of the country yet are still in govenment with them..Bizzare..
The Greens and the rest of the idiots ..
They sicken me

When I saw the photos of Paul Gogarty's daughter at the press conference, I thought "just when you think politicians can't get any lower".

The low point of such behaviour may have been Tory Minister John Selwyn Gummer getting his child to eat a beef burger at the height of the Mad Cow Disease.

What Gogarty did yesterday is, IMHO, despicible.
All of which must be passed according to Commissioner Rehn before we gte our hands on the bailout fund

All of which must be passed according to Rehn before we, the citizens of our former republic, can hold a general election!
There was some muppet FF TD on the news at one pretty much saying that we could not hold an election because Ollie Rehn said so
If Mary Hanafin was acting in the national interest she would resign and promis never to stand for public office again.

I disagree and could name 50 or a 100 TDs eminently more useless than Mary Hanafin. She makes an effort to answer questions directly and explain things in plain english like you would expect of a school teacher. She even gets praised by the opposition for making a much better effort for communicating than her colleagues but that is not exactly difficult.

In the coming election we will elect a new collection of TDs, many far worse than Mary. I suppose that you would prefer to elect Dolly or Richard Boyd Barrett?
He is on Joe Duffy at the moment.
My thoughts on that are,that with Eamon devoy saying he believes we are on the brink of civil unrest ,that it would be the last place anyone would want to bring a child into!
Paul Gogarty was informed of what Hanafin said on Newstalk at lunch time and he responded, I quote "Why does she think we bleedin stayed in government with them for the past 2 years, when they caused the problem". I can see it get nasty.

It is sickening to hear FF talk about the national interest. You only have to see the extent to which they went to stop the by-election in Donegal being held, just so they could hold on to power longer.

My two cents is that FF are determined to publish the 4 year plan so if there is an upturn in the next couple of years they can claim credit because it was their plan. National interest my foot.
If they didn't produce a plan, you would say that they were leaving others to clean up the mess so they can't win either way.

What is more important is the content of the budget and the four year plan not who creates it. We are an awful nation for playing the man and not the ball.
I dont think in fairness that people are playing for the man,the "man" is the office they represent at that time..
It is not credible that they are planning for the next 4 years when they are gone in a couple of months. They had their chance of a 5 year plan in Jan 2009 and they blew it.

If they really had the country's interests at heart, they would have called an election a couple of months ago when the '4-year' plan was demanded by the EU. At least the new government would be around to implement it.
Paul Gogarty was informed of what Hanafin said on Newstalk at lunch time and he responded, I quote "Why does she think we bleedin stayed in government with them for the past 2 years, when they caused the problem".

I hope he doesn't speak like that in front of his daughter with whom he spends so much time, he even brings her to work.

I nearly choked when I saw the child sitting on his lap at the press conference. If it was the launch of some child-related initiative it would be somewhat acceptable but to have her at press conference, broadcast around the world, effectively announcing the dissolution of a government makes us all look like buffoons.

Are politicians genetically precluded from understanding context?

And for today's display of gall, how about Mary Hanifin confirming that she has ambitions to be Taoiseach "if there was a vacancy".

These people are utterly, utterly shameless.