Mary Coughlan performance as Employment Minister


Registered User
What do you think of her performance in employment porfolio. Never really hear much about her. I find her performance extremely poor. At times i feel that we do not even have an employment minister with all the close downs etc. I know their is a lot of people on jobs benefit/assisitance doing everything they can to get a job but no oppurtunties out their. I like to see her doing more to save jobs under threat. The only one in present gov i see with any minister potential is Brian Lenehan.

Maybe create a foreign minister for emplyment to travel world for most of the year with aim of bringing big companies to Ireland. Tap up as many of the high quality ones as possible
The days of large mulitnationals setting up in Ireland is largely dead and buried, we're too expensive a country in comparison to too many other countries around the world. There will be exceptional cases for reasons of skills and language, and we shouldfn't stop trying to get them in, but the Dells of this world will never set up here again. Hence the emphasis should change to helping ourselves, helping entrepreneurs and growing our local and especially exporting firms.

Mary C is very like Brian C, great for cutting ribbons when times are good, doesn't have a clue what to do now that times are not so good. The FAS saga is a good enough example of her incompetence
Mary Coughlan is the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment and has overall responsibility for this Department.

Minister Dara Calleary has responsibility for Labour Affairs

Not a fan of Mary Coughlan, but most of the FÁS saga took place long before she became Minister for Enterprise, Trade & Employment.

You have to wonder where the jobs of the future are going to come from. Big employers like the public, construction and banking sector will not employ the same number of people as before.

I read one article recently that stated from 2000-2007 we only created a couple of thousand jobs in the export sector.
Maybe create a foreign minister for emplyment to travel world for most of the year with aim of bringing big companies to Ireland. Tap up as many of the high quality ones as possible
Good suggestion - China would be a great place to target.

One of the first things to do is to encourage imaginative enterprise domestically. There are large sums of money being thrown around at the moment, it would be a shame if these all go to propping up zombie banks with absolutely nothing passed on in the form of credit for start ups, etc.

I wouldn't give up on the idea of us being affordable for the following reasons:

We've probably 250,000 recently unemployed. Tens of thousands of these are competent workers.

We've already seen significant drops in wages and cost of living.

We'll have a tonne of state owned commercial property that can be used strategiaclly in attracting jobs.

The euro has started to ease against the dollar and sterling.

There are a lot of positives to work with here. I wish Mary Coughlan would come out and both say and do something about it.
Maybe create a foreign minister for emplyment to travel world for most of the year with aim of bringing big companies to Ireland. Tap up as many of the high quality ones as possible

Mary Coughlan (and other Ministers) already go regularly on international trade missions and other events (including the St Patrick's day trips) where the return to Ireland is extremely positive.

But the usual media commentary around these events centrs on their cost rather than their value e.g how much her hotel room cost, whether she got her hair done, etc. It should be little wonder if she decided to restrict her exposure and this, ultimately, would be to the detriment of us all.
yep, on Mary Harneys watch.

Mary Harney's husband was chairman of FÁS for a while, one of the board members of Anglo was previously on the board of FÁS and the whole shebang was founded by Bertie Ahern under the Labour Services Act 1987.

The usual suspects, in other words.
Lets just reflect on the amount of jobs she's helped to create and retain!

Tumbleweeds roll accross the street

Owl hoots
Mary Coughlan (and other Ministers) already go regularly on international trade missions and other events (including the St Patrick's day trips) where the return to Ireland is extremely positive...
Examples in the last 12 months please in hundreds of high-quality sustainable jobs created? (discount recent announcements about low-rent, scripted, call-centre positions)
Mary's heart is in the right place but let's call a spade a spade: she is hopelessly incompetent in this most critical of political roles. The whole country knows it.
Mary's heart is in the right place but let's call a spade a spade: she is hopelessly incompetent in this critical of political roles. The whole country knows it.


for the sake of the country, she should be moved to a less demanding porfolio and find an backbecher who is fresh and looking for a challenge as none of current cabinet look up to job. even bring in some one from opposition such as richard bruton to do the job.
Mary Coughlan is the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment and has overall responsibility for this Department.

Minister Dara Calleary has responsibility for Labour Affairs

i have an interest in what goes on in govertment of country, but minister dara calleary, never heard of him, did not even know he existed.

but the book stops with mary
Just looked at the list of alternative ministers in FF... Not many options available.

Saw pic of Dara Calleary... never before saw him...

Only one that I see that may put in better performance might be Dermot of bad lot maybe..
Mary's heart is in the right place but let's call a spade a spade: she is hopelessly incompetent in this most critical of political roles. The whole country knows it.

+1, I also find her smug. During the whole Lisbon treaty saga, I found her repulsive
It is not Marys fault that multinationals are not coming here,no matter how incompetent she is.Multinationals that manufacture in Ireland and export from here have many cheaper alternatives even in Europe where countries such as Poland have copied our model.Retaining the ones we have should be the priority.
We need to develop our own indigenous industries which have been ignored because politicians and the bigwigs of the IDA preferred mingling with giant american multinationals and trips stateside than humble irish start ups.Granted this has worked out well but the game is now up and these IDA bigwigs are now going to have to get their hands dirty in helping irish start ups and the politicians need to put their energy and money behind these irish manufacturing companies.
Its not just Mary thats incompetent....its the whole seebang unfortunately